3 - ARC 1.3

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Third P.O.V

"Come on, we'll have lunch, and then you can start unpacking."

Is what Pa said when he walked into the room.

"Okay Pa!"

(Y/N) said cheerfully as they followed Pa to the dinning room. Gene followed from behind, his expression unreadable.

When the three arrived in the dinning room, dinner was already on the table.

The table was a decent size and Ma was sitting down.

"Just in time, I was worried the food would get cold."

Ma said with a frowning face, but it was clear she was joking.

"You can sit by me Gene!"

(Y/N) grabbed Gene's small hand and lead him to the seat next to them.

Once everyone sat down the family began eating. Ma made small talk around the table.

"So, Gene, tomorrow is your first day of school. (Y/N) is a freshman in high school, but the middle school is connected. So (Y/N) can walk you to school. As long as you don't mind of course."

That's right! (Y/N)'s in high school. Yay! (A/N: Note the sarcasm.)

"(Y/N) can walk me to school."

Gene whispered.

"Are you sure? It's okay if you don't want t-"

Ma was cut off by Gene.

"I said (Y/N) can walk me to school!"

Once he shouted that, Gene seemed to shrivel up. As if he was worried about what would happen next.

"Ma is just worried that you wouldn't feel comfortable with me walking you to school, but if you're cool with it, I'm cool with it."

(Y/N) says in a soft tone. Gene relaxes a little bit.

It was awkward at the table for a few minutes, but soon everything was back to normal.

After lunch Pa had to go because there was something important at his work.

While Ma and (Y/N) cleaned up, Gene went to go unpack.


Ma stopped what she was doing and gave (Y/N) a serious look. (Y/N) stopped what they were doing and looked at Ma.

"What is it?"

Ma hesitated.

"I know having that child come here was different and new, but I'm really proud of how you handled it all. Having said that, I didn't want to burden you, but Gene seems to be more comfortable around you, so if you could try to get closer with him, I would really appreciate that."

(Y/N) looked Ma dead in the eyes.

(Y/N) had thought they were doing okay, but if Ma wanted them to do more, they supposed they could make that happen.

"Of course Ma. I think Gene seems like a good kid."

(Y/N) says with a bright smile on their face. Ma laughs.

"I knew I could count on you!"

Ma says while hugging (Y/N).

What the two didn't know was that a small figure was around the corner smirking at what they overheard.

Author's Note: Another chapter done!~

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