Chapter 6

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I headed to my room or the room I had been sleeping in and had a shower and changed into a frock that belonged to the President's girlfriend apparently.I headed outside and I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw.

I saw so many men walking around, chatting and laughing.Some were constructing something while others were cleaning their bikes.

"OMG! IS THAT HER?! SHE'S SO PRETTY"I heard as shreik from behind me and I turned around to have my jaw drop as a gorgeous woman bounded over to me.

She had a head full of wild red curls,she was pale and that made her freckles prominent and her green eyes were warm and inviting she looked like a Wattpad fantasy character.

She came over and hugged me like we were friends since we were babies.I was shocked and patted her back awkwardly,she was rambling on how nice it is to have another girl and how she's done with testrotone,she finally stopped talking when a man with a nose ring and tattoos all over hugged and said"Breathe baby, breathe"

She looked at me embarrassed "I am Karla and this is my fiance Luke she introduced herself and the man behind her.I nodded and smiled not feeling like interacting.

"This is Allison or we call her Ally, she'll be with us sometime"Zander interjected and he looked at me and said"This is the President and his Old Lady"and I immediately scrunched my nose at that term Old Lady? That's a weird name to call your fiancee.Karla immediately saw my confusion and laughed"That's how they address the girlfriend,fiancee or even wife of a biker" and I suddenly understood how different mine and their world are.

"The frock looks good on,you are radiating"Karla praised and I scoffed internally at the compliment.My self-esteem always struggled growing up and after Zander and Xander it completely shattered and most of the time I bury myself in my studies and my jobs to ever go in my mind and fix it.I just smiled and said a polite thank you.

We said our goodbyes as they were going to meet a wedding planner and Zander and I walked back to the house.I could tell he wanted to ask me questions I continued to ignore and after few beats of silence he asked"How's papi and mami?" and he was asking about my mama and papa.Me and the boys were so close or so I thought that they started calling my parents mami and papi and they adored both of the boys.

"They died in a car crash"I said in a cold montone voice and I heard Zander suck in a breath and choke out"I-I am s-sorry I didn't k-know" I just nodded and headed to my room to close the door behind me almost like I am blocking my past and I wondered where was this all gonna end for me?

Would I burn again in between them?

Dark Moon MC Series I:My Biker TwinsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang