|22| "you must be his parents"

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We never realize how frozen we are,
Until someone starts to melt our ice.

~Bridgett Devoue


I'm sure in most people's eyes I look like I'm a clean freak right now, or that I'm slightly insane for organizing the same area three times in a row, I've spent so much time making sure my apartment looks as perfect as can be,

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I'm sure in most people's eyes I look like I'm a clean freak right now, or that I'm slightly insane for organizing the same area three times in a row, I've spent so much time making sure my apartment looks as perfect as can be,

And sure, maybe I am a little crazy for cleaning areas that Aarons's parents won't see...but I want to make a good impression, I want his parents to feel at home here, and to be quite honest I'm so nervous that I'm cleaning to ignore my stomach turning,

I'm falling for their son...and meeting them is a huge step in our relationship, this most certainly isn't the way I would've pictured meeting them nor planned it, but I'd never keep his parents from seeing him, especially after a procedure, so I'll have to swallow my anxiety down and just be myself and pray that it will be enough at the end of the day,

But at times being yourself won't ever be enough, and thinking about the thought that being yourself isn't enough...well that's a difficult pill to swallow, to some people you'll always be perfect in their eyes, you'll be enough, more than enough, and in others eyes, you won't ever measure up the expectations they hold on what you should look like, act like, and do.

Walking inside my room I open my nightstand feeling like I need some words from my dad, so I turn to the page labeled 'meeting the parent/parents'

Dear buttercup,

God you cant imagine how hard this letter is to write, my beautiful girl grown up and taking the next big steps in her relationship, I know that meeting the parents can be terrifying, you may feel like you need to put on an act, be perfect and do what you think they would want, but I have to say to parents it's very noticeable when someone is putting on a show and acting a certain way, so please be your self and if you are I am almost certain they will love you, and if by some weird circumstance they don't then clearly they don't deserve to have you in there life, because you my sweet girl are so incredibly kind and caring, you have the biggest heart and I am certain when i say any parent would be delighted to have you as there sons another half, so go into it with an open mind and heart, don't act the way you think they want you to, be your self, I wish you the best my sweet girl and I hope you landed yourself a great man to make you happy, I can say this with full certainty that your mother and I are very proud of you

With all the love in the world, dad ♡︎

A smile lifts at the corners of my mouth as I close the journal, my dad is right if I'm not enough for his parents at least I was enough for mine, as well as enough for myself.

Truth be told, I would be crushed if they didn't like me since they are Aarons's parents...

"Sunshine stop worrying" Aarons sighs from the couch as I walk into the living room

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