Like attract like....

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Have you ever wonder why you attract same type of result every time...

Why you drawn towards certain type of personalities...

Ever thought why you find yourself in similar kind of situation in life..

This can be explain by a simple principle of law of attraction...

Like attract Like...

This is because of our energy...
The frequency at which, we are vibrating, gives the results...
If we continue to be at that frequency, we will always get the same result..

Like attracts like’ is the basic of law of attraction. In simple terms, this means things with similar energy levels are drawn to each other.

So, if our energy is giving us the negative results, circumstances or people.. We can change that any time by just changing our frequency we are emiting...

How to know that you are emiting negative frequency

Emiting negative frequency means you are having negative thoughts.. Negative thoughts means you are thinking about something that makes you sad, jealous, anxious, nervous, angry etc..
There are thousands of thoughts that are constantly running in your mind some consciously and some unconsciously...
There is the simple method to know when you are having negative thoughts is to check how you are feeling...

If you are not feeling happy, relaxed or at peace that's means you are emiting negative frequency..

How to change your frequency

1. Listening music
2. Play with kids
3. Go for a walk
4. Make time for your hobby
5. Do any thing that makes you happy.....

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