7. The Unheard Story from the Past

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Luke is standing on the hotel porch when their taxi enters the hotel entrance. He's in his gray shirt and black jeans, still with his morning face and semi-wet hair, probably from hastily washing his head to wake himself up; the view Cobie doesn't get to see every day. Once he spots her behind the backseat window, he jogs down to the car and opens the door on Georgia's side.

"I'm sorry to wake you up this late," Cobie says, grabbing their bags from the car's floor. "I'm not sure if she's asleep or passing out, she really is not responding to my attempt to wake her up."

"It's fine," Luke replies before shoving his hand under his secretary's knees and carrying her bridal style to the hotel lobby.

After paying for the taxi, Cobie runs a little bit to catch up with his steps to reach the elevator and push the button for them. Georgia stirs awake, frowns from the hotel lobby light, then snuggles deeper into Luke's chest.

Still with her not fully sober mind, Cobie believes she did the right thing by calling Luke. There is no way she can bring Georgia to their hotel room by herself. But seeing how intimate the two are right now, she starts to think that she should have just asked the taxi driver and paid him extra for carrying Georgia upstairs. Darn alcohol. Her brain always shrinks into a half size after the buzz.

"Are you alright?" Luke asks when they're standing inside the car.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"You just groaned. Headache?" Luke peers at her to examine her, the exact stare that makes her feel uneasy. "You look tired and a bit red."

She rolls her eyes. "What should girls look like when they leave the club at one o'clock? Looking neat like when they go to a Sunday mass?"

"Ah, sassy Evans. I haven't seen you tipsy before," Luke says before grunting as he adjusts his hand around Georgia's back.

Cobie takes a deep breath, trying to block her mind from thinking why she feels irritated with Luke all of a sudden. Scratch that. She's irritated with the view before her. "I'm sorry. You're right, I'm just" —she shrugs— "tired, I get snappish when I'm tired."

Luke nods, a grin growing on his face. "I'll tuck you two to bed soon," he replies, earning a snort from Cobie.

"If I didn't know you enough, I swear I would think you're a perverted weirdo."

"Maybe you don't know me enough." Before she can reply to him, the elevator dings and the door slides open. Luke steps out of the car, leaving her behind with her gaping mouth.

When the doors start to close up, she quickly jumps out of the elevator before jogging to her room. She fishes the room card out of her purse, taps it on the door handle, and yanks the door open. Following her direction, Luke strides to Georgia's bed and puts her down carefully. But when he's about to get up, Georgia refuses to let him go.

"Where are you going?" she complains, her voice slurring as she wraps her hands tighter around Luke's neck.

"Back to my room of course." The man holds his secretary's wrists and drags them apart before freeing his neck from her grip. Yet Georgia keeps pulling him back to her. "I need to go. Cobie needs to sleep too."

"Cobie? What is she doing here?"

"You guys are sharing a room, remember?"

Crossing her hands over her chest, Cobie leans against the hotel wardrobe door and watches Luke struggle to untangle himself from the girl's hands. "Try to sleep. Ssshh. That's it. Close your eyes." He adjusts the duvet over Georgia's shoulders, wrapping her hands under the cover. Once Georgia stops attempting to move, he jumps up and walks away.

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