-=+=-Chapter 5: Believe Narnia is Real Now?-=+=-

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Leona's POV,

We all walk through the large amount of snow that was lying all over the ground with Lucy leading the way. Once in a while, I would look over at Susan and Peter and they seem to be having fun. The only person who was ruining it was Edmund, jerk. You won't believe what happened this morning.

✨~Magical Flashback~✨

All five of us are in the Pevensies bedroom half awake. Lucy began screaming about being in Narnia mentioning that Edmund came as well. Edmund denied it by saying some little children just don't know when to stop pretending.

"some little children just don't know when to stop pretending," he sighed taking a seat. 

My face is in the deepest shocked I can be in. I look over at Lucy and little tears start falling from her eyes. She starts running out of the room with Susan and Peter following her. It's just me and the jerk himself Edmund. He ends up walking over to me. I had to teach this boy a lesson.

L - Leo, Ed - Edmund (because I'm feeling lazy)

L: -slaps ed really hard across the face-

Ed: OW! What was that for?

L: Be lucky that I don't have my claws right now. For being a great jerk to your little sister

Ed: so?

L: SO? So being a huge jerk all your life won't get you anywhere, you need to learn Edmund Pevensie!

Ed: Ok 'Lilly' what do I need to know?!

L: first off you need to stop denying what Lucy says because you now know that Narnia is real. Second to stop being a jerk to your siblings look even though I don't have any siblings, you need to treat your sib-

But then right in middle of my sentence, Edmund cuts me off by kissing my cheek for four seconds. What?!?! First off rude I was in middle of a sentence and second WHAT?!?!?!

Ed: Now leave

L: with pleasure -storms out of room-

✨~Back to Regular Time~✨

We reach the house that belonged to the faun Mr. Tumnus but the door was broken. As Lucy saw that she straight away ran the door. We all follow her into the little house. The inside of the house doesn't look like it's nice and cozy. It looked like everything was out of place. Cause everything was! It was all broken!

"Who would do something like this?" Lucy cried.

I look over to Edmund. I have a bad feeling that he was part of this. I then look over at Peter that grabbed a note that was nailed to the wall. Everyone except Edmund walks over to Peter before he starts reading out loud.

"Faun Tumnus and Leona Aslan has been hereby charged with high treason," Peter phase then looked over to me.

"Just continue reading," I respond look back at the note.

"Luckily for Leona Aslan since against by law 1. Do not arrest royalty, she is free to go," He then pause and continues to read. Oh, thanks go- wait it said royalty. Another one of my secrets revealed! "As for Faun Tumnus. Against the Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia. For comforting the enemies and fraternizing with humans. Signed Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police. Long live the Queen." Peter finishes as he looks up at all of us

"Alright, now we really should go back, " Susan said. Yeah! Go back! Really good idea!

"But what about Mr. Tumnus?" Lucy questioned.

"Yeah? He's a good friend of mine!" I took Lu's side.

"If he was arrested just for being with a human. I don't think there is much we can do," Susan said looking down.

"You don't understand, do you?" Lucy asked like it wasn't obvious yet, "I'm the human! She must have found out him and Leo helped me!" she said looking up.

"Maybe we should call the police," Peter suggested.

"But Peter these are the Police. I know that because I've been in Narnia way more than you have," I said looking at him.

"Yeah, you also know that because of your royalty. When were you going to tell us?" Susan ask me.

"I thought I never needed to tell you,"I'm royalty because I'm the daughter of Aslan, The true and real King of Narnia. Since he is royalty, I'm royalty.

"Anyways don't worry Lu, we will think of something," Peter said looking on the bright side.

"Why?" Edmund spoke up. Excuse me? "I mean he's a criminal," Edmund added.

"How do you know? You won't there helping Lucy through Narnia since it was her first time being in Narnia" I questioned Edmunds rude behavior.

"Oh, you want to start something?" He asks me.

"Oh I will start something and that-" then get interrupted by a bird cheeping outside then psst at us. It made us all turnaround.

"Did that bird just 'psst' us?" Susan turned back to us.

I nodded my head casually. Narnian people are either talking animals, dwarfs or half human half animal. Peter was the first one to walk out of the house. Susan was next, then Lucy, me and Edmund. Once we were all outside, the bird flapped its wings before bouncing off the tree flying away. They all jumped except me at the sound a rustle in the bush around us. I scanned the area wide-eyed, letting my hearing senses come to the advantage. I faintly heard feet tremble again. We turned our heads in the other direction. It was circling around us, tapping its feet quickly. It must be a Narnian spying on us. Am I the only one acting normal around here? Suddenly a beaver crawled out behind a rock that was covered in snow. It's Mr. Beaver.

"It's a beaver," Lucy stated.

"Of course it's a beaver Lucy," I said to her.

He sniffed around, trotting towards us. As Mr. Beaver got closer, Peter started to call him over by clicking his fingers like he was a wild animal. Holding his hand out, he waited for him to sniff him.

"I ain't going to smell it if that's what you want!"

Half Human, Half Lion {A Narnia Fanfiction} -Completed-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ