⭐|¦_Dimensional Demigod_¦|⭐

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[Arc 1]

"Seriously though, why do you always have to try dominating the world? Can't you just leave me alone? Not that I would miss a chance to kick your butt." I taunted.

"Insolent, Tennyson! You are always a thorn in my way! Bah! I have the powers of a CelestialSapien now. You don't even have the powers of that one!" Vilgax shouted angrily.

I should probably explain what is going on. Hi, my name's Benjamin Kirby 'Ben' Tennyson. Although most people just call me Ben 10k. I'm 21 years old, and I wield the strongest weapon of the universe, The Omnitrix. See, the universe had gone to peace once again. I was relaxing, thinking that everything will be normal again. Oh boy, I was wrong. Vilgax decided that he should take advantage of Kevin. So he kidnapped him, which I don't know how (Kevin always shuts up whenever I ask him that. I think he's embarrassed to talk about it). Vilgax also stole The Map of Infinity, and travelled there with Kevin unconscious. Using his Osmosian ability, Vilgax succeeded in absorbing a baby CelestialSapien's powers, making him nigh omnipotent. Unlike an adult, baby CelestialSapiens don't have split personalities.
Fortunately, Gwen and I managed to follow them and Gwen rescued Kevin, while I tried to fight Vilgax. So here I am, stuck in this situation.

I was seriously out of options. See, I could turn into my CelestialSapien form, but I was still in a disadvantage. Bellicus, voice of rage and aggression, and Serena, voice of love and compassion never agreed to anything. But it was my last chance.

I quickly transformed into Alien X, and Bellicus and Serena, the annoying personalities were fighting again. After shouting my throat raw, they seemed to understand the situation. They erected a barrier around us, which would protect me from Vilgax while I reasoned with them.

After a lot of promises, they relented on giving me the full control of Alien X, after I promised that they could advise me and sometimes take control of my body if I lost consciousness. Once I got the full control of Alien X, I felt unstoppable. While this power was tempting, I knew what I had to do currently.

"Poor Tennyson, looks like I will have to destroy the world without even getting a fight." Vilgax said and started creating the order to control the whole universe.

"Who said we were gonna let you take the world without fighting?" I said shaking my head and countering his order.

"So, you finally decided to wake up. I assume you still don't have full control of the power?" He asked, grinning evilly.

"And that's where you are wrong. We are Alien X. And we will stop you." I said confidently.

I immediately shot a beam of pure power towards him, while he countered with his own. Vilgax, while struggling, was still very powerful. One thought, and he could do anything. To prevent him from thinking, I had to keep him busy.

"Tennyson! I know what you are trying to do! For that I order that you won't exist anymore!" Vilgax spat.

My mind began to panic. But after two seconds, I didn't feel anything. Looking at myself, I saw I was still intact. Vilgax was also staring at me, shocked that I was still existing.

"But... But, how is that possible?" He asked confused.

In my mind, however, Bellicus shaking his head, said "Stupid Chimera Sui Genesis. You can never make another CelestialSapien cease to exist."

"Yo Vilgax, I'm still here! Let's finish this once and for all." I said to him. Tapping into my powers, I ordered "Strip Vilgax of his acquired powers. Motion, carried!"

"No!! I won't lose again!" He screamed, while he was stripped of his powers. And I was too soon to think that Vilgax had been incapacitated.

He aimed and fired towards me which hit me square in the chest. And suddenly found myself in front of a huge black hole.

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