Chapter 52

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Sunshine washed over me, warming me from the inside out even as nerves tried to unravel me into a pile of streamers and confetti. Butterflies and nausea fought to conquer my stomach. In short, I was a mess. But what else was new?

My phone vibrated for what felt like the fifth time that hour, bringing up a whole new set of butterflies.

Keep it together Allie!

Pulling out my phone I soaked in the newest message in Laliana's incessant updates.

Laliana: Key Lime Pie is arriving at the dome in T minus 5 minutes!

I kept expecting to be overtaken by a panic attack. Anticipating my world to begin swirling into a kaleidoscope of colors until I was just a blemish on the tapestry of the universe. But even though my heart was racing, and my hands wouldn't stop sweating, I felt... grounded. I wasn't afraid, just ridiculously nervous.

"I am starting to regret this," I said between my attempts to take deep, calming breaths. "I am going to look ridiculous."

"That's the idea," Aiden said, shoving a wire into a nearby bush, focused on his task.

"Not helping," I muttered, wiping my hands on my jeans.

Aiden paused and offered me a shrug. "Actions are our thing right?"

I nodded.

"So show him, even if it makes you look ridiculous. He will love you all the more for it. Besides, you need something big. He was pretty mad."

I crossed my arms, wondering why standing in any posture suddenly felt awkward. "Would you ever do something like this for Laliana?"

Aiden laughed, his sharp blue eyes sparking with amusement at the idea. "Let's hope it never comes to that. But yes, I would. Just... don't tell her that."

I smiled, feeling a little better. "Your secret is safe with me."

Aiden checked his phone and then darted off across the grass. "I'll hold you to that, Winters! Just remember to breathe!" he said, trying not to laugh.

"I hate you!" I shouted back, needing to do something other than be nervous.

Aiden vanished behind a tree, laughter echoing out behind him.

I had never done anything like this before. Laliana— and surprisingly Aiden had helped me put it together. Something that gave me far more confidence than I would have had otherwise. Aiden helping me with anything was still a foreign concept.

Laliana: Key Lime Pie is at the dome! I repeat Keyline Pie is at the dome!

I suddenly wanted to turn and run. Itching to lean into old habits. "What am I doing? I should have never agreed to this. Maybe I can just..."

But my flustered panic died as I spotted Tate across the Griffith Observatory park lawn. Laliana walked at his side, talking animatedly, clearly terrible at being normal when there was any kind of pressure to do so. But her animated failings only served to relax me as Tate stared at her with a bemused expression.

She's so bad at this... I love it.

Laliana had done her job of getting Tate here, and now it was my turn. Laliana's grin grew so wide, that I had to cover my mouth to hold back a set of nervous giggles. Then she turned Tate in my direction, letting his arm go as soon as he spotted me. His beautiful green eyes went wide in surprise, drinking me in. "Allie?"

I offered him an awkward, small wave as he approached. "Hey."

Tate turned to ask Laliana something, but she was gone, vanishing behind the same tree that Aiden was tucked behind. Tate turned to look back at me, brow raised. "Why does this smell like a trap?"

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