2⎮a painful fall

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That's how I felt.

I had been standing in front of my house for several minutes now, staring at the front door, not daring to go inside.

I knew my father was away because of business for a few days, but my mother was at home. Probably reading an old classic in the living room. And so was my brother.

Something was holding me back every time I thought about going into my own house. Because my hair was matted from the wind that had blown through it, my eyes were red and irritated from the tears that had flowed, and my face was distorted with sadness.

Even if my mother didn't notice, I knew Harry would. He had this way of picking up on my mood with one look. So with my current appearance, I have no doubt he'd figure it out in seconds.

And the thought of my family finding out about the damn breakup filled me with unimaginable shame. Which pissed me beyond belief. If anyone should be ashamed, it certainly wasn't me.

I was the victim in this story. But there was no way I was going to act like one.

With a startling courage, I entered my house.

Suddenly, the familiar smell of home came to me and I took a deep breath, which calmed me slightly. The house was silent, so I carefully took off my shoes and my coat and went upstairs.

All I wanted to do was lock my door, read a sad book and drown my tears in its pages.

Only to reach my room, I had to pass my brother's room, which was wide open.

So without thinking and with what I thought was a casual gait, I crossed the hallway, as if nothing had happened.

"Em'" said a husky voice.


"You're already back?"

I pretended I didn't hear him and continued walking toward my room. But my brother caught up to me in an instant and passed me so he could face me, blocking my path to my room.

Suddenly, I lowered my head so that he wouldn't notice how awful I looked.

"Why are you running away?" he said in dismay.

Oh, I don't know. Maybe because an asshole who appears to be my boyfriend left me for a girl better than me.

Correction : my ex-boyfriend.

But I couldn't answer that to him, so I decided to remain silent, waiting for him to give up and move over to let me through.

"Seriously, Em', you only run away from me when you do something stupid. You only left thirty minutes ago to go to Ethan's.", my brother began in a statement.

When I heard that name, a sob almost escaped me as the tears were already coming back.

Get out of my way, Harry. Please.

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