Chapter 10

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Hayden said he doesn't like him!!Did he push him too far?Hayden said he is annoying?Does he hate him that much?He just wanted to make it work!!

Zenos loosened the tie around his neck.Suddenly it felt as if there's no airflow in the room again and he felt like he's suffocating even his heart has began to ache!The wall is spinning and everything is closing on him!!!But there's still that one word that keeps ranging in his ear 'Hayden doesn't want him! Hayden doesn't want him!! Hayden doesn't want him!!!'

"Damnit"Zenos punched the wall and shout out loud for the first time in his life"Ha!!!!"his knees suddenly gave way but he manage to whisper that one name"Hayden"


Inside Zenos car

Suddenly David and Sean's wristwatch-like devices beep"Something is wrong with the boss..Hurry,let's go save him"

The two bodyguards came down from the car,they ran down the school and enter the room but thier heart broken when they met a bloodied Zenos

"Boss!!"David,the first bodyguard to found him quickly bent over to carry him.

While Sean the other bodyguard pressed his earpiece and lifted his wrist to his mouth"We found the boss... Blood is rushing down his head!!!Yeah, coming already!Call Doctor Micheal and Assistant Jude.He must be there before we reach home!!"

David quickly carried Zenos and ran hurriedly while being extra careful not to hurt Zenos.He doesn't know what happened to Boss but he suddenly felt the impulse to kill that Hayden guy!!Thank God the boss said the four of them should have the HMD connected incase of danger or else what wouldh happened??

The car has never felt this tensed before, everyone was jittery."Goddamit Sean.Can you fucking drive faster??"

"I'm trying my best,this is the highest speed!! Damnit!!"Sean yelled back in anger.When they entered the car he kicked away the driver and began to drive the car himself"I'm feeling jittery too..we all love the boss like a younger brother too"

"I swear I'm gonna kill that boy next time I meet him!"Cole the driver and one of the bodyguard said

A journey of one hour was shortened to 30 mins.. David immediately get out of the car and quickly carry Zenos into the mansion

"Quickly,place him on the bed!"Micheal the doctor, one of Zenos closest friend instructed"Now get out!!"

"But!!!"David and Sean hesitated

"Are you going to treat him?"He asked in a surprisingly chilling voice and the bodyguards quickly hurried out"So,what are you still doing here?"he folded his arm and turned to Jude

"Micheal,I'm not going to dis.."Jude replied a bit more calmly

"I remembered giving someone sleepy injection because he was disturbing my moment last time... I don't need two patient"


"If you don't go out now,i swear I'll throw you out,Jude!I have to treat Zenos now"he emphasized on the NOW

"Ok,I'm out!!"He raised his hand and quickly went out to meet the bodyguard outside"Sean,David!!How the hell did this happened??"

Sean whose eyes has already redden in anger and sadness replied"i just dunno..i just don't fuckin know what happened during the moment he was with that mf guy..Boss went to that lil boy school and instructed us not to follow him.He was so happy to meet that Hayden guy this morning but suddenly his wristwatch sent us an alarm and by the time we are there,he is already like this and the Hayden guy was nowhere to be found!!"

"Damn,that Hayden..He hurt our Boss on Friday night but our boss let him go scot free but this time around I wouldn't be merciful to him.."A glint flash in his eyes and he suddenly laughed evilly"it seems like the Ethanna company has been doing well this days"He took out his phone and dialled a number

"Jack,i need you to do something for me"Jude said immediately Jack picked up

"And what is it?"Jack replied nonchalantly,drinking his just opened water calmly

"Stir up some trouble for Ethanna's company"

He spat out the water in his mouth in shock"The hell?...What's wrong? You've never crossed paths before?"

"We already have now!"he replied sarcastically

"You'll soon see my handiwork"he replied proudly

"Ok..i take you for your word.Thank you"

"Oh..And relay my greetings to CEO Zenos"he said with enthusiasm

"I'll"he replied bitterly and quickly cut off the call.He checked the entrance once again"What the hell is Michael doing inside there?It's 30 mins already!!"

After another 30 mins, Michael strolled in with a lil bit of sweat pouring down his face"What the hell is wrong with you guys?Why does it feel tense here??"

"How is he doing??"they all asked hurriedly

"He!!"Michael shook his head and hesitated

"What is wrong with him?"Sean panicked and the others in the room too even though they didn't say anything

"He is fine..You idiots!!"He replied with a smile

David punched him with a not so heavy punch"What the hell is that for,dude?"Michael asked with a frown

"For playing with our feelings!"he replied with a smile and the others nodded in support

"Can we check him?"Sean asked hurriedly

"No!!"he replied smugly before changing into a serious expression"What am I hearing about a certain motherfuckin guy called Hayden??"

Sean,David,Jude and Micheal went to sit down in the large living room.David begins to explain everything to Micheal while Micheal asked questions every now and then..Before the end of the chat, Michael's expression has turned into that of a fury

"You idiots,why did you take him to the club..You know he's not doing okay instead of you to take him home to rest,you.."he yelled

"I was thinking it could make him loosen up..i just hate seeing him in that serious mode everytime.He's just 19..He's too young for his life to be so complicated!"

"Yup,it's too young..Ok,where were you when that Hayden guy was seducing or molesting him that night!"


"Shut your mouth..You don't even give him the medication I prescribed to him last time..Do you want to see him overwork himself to death?"

"You know he's quite stubborn.."Jude interrupted

"I'm not in for that statement..You were friends before you became his assistant,if he doesn't want to use it,change your tone to a friendly own..Did you think he's the only one in that serious mode?Check out yourselves first..All of you don't eat on time and you keep overworking yourselves!!Tell me the truth now,do you take him to the club for your own advantage??"he glared at them

"No"the three of them denied immediately

"Better"he smiled"i see that you're starting to deal with the Ethanna's or else I would have done worser.."he replied with a bored tone

The other three gulped down knowing how scary and crazy the No.1 doctor could be when it comes to Zenos

"Damnit,that boy turned my boy into gay or should I say bisexual..i want to deal with him"Michael shouted in fury

"He's still an highschooler.."

"So???We all know what Zenos has been facing before he reached that age..but I'll let him go for now because I know he'll come back to Zenos..You know what I'm saying"

"Yes..Yes"the three nodded

"Ok.. I'll go check him now..You can follow me but don't make noise"Micheal warned sternly


I turned gay after a drunken night(BL)Where stories live. Discover now