Chapter 20: Garden Party

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"I am not comfortable with this."

Rain smiled up at her disgruntled husband. "I refuse to cancel my garden party simply because of a minor wound. I am perfectly fine, only a little sore."

He gave her a dark look. "Maybe if I had not injured you further last night. I should have controlled myself, I—"

Her hand on his arm stopped him short, and she leaned a little closer, making him lower his head towards her. "I told you not to hold back," she reminded him gently, and her cheeks heated as she added, "And I never want you to. I thoroughly enjoyed myself."

Was that a slight redness to his neck? She had to hide a grin. Having discovered his weakness for her made her feel more in charge of the situation, and she loved it. Maybe a little too much. Last night, they had slept in the same bed for the first time, and she was almost a little disappointed that he had been a perfect gentleman. He had held her close against him, but had not tried to seduce or even kiss her. Tonight, she would ask him to join her again. And maybe kiss her.

She looked up at his handsome face as he silently stared out over the small crowd gathered in their garden. Yes, she would definitely claim another kiss. Something had changed in their relationship after last night. While the idea of leaving herself too vulnerable still scared her, finding out he cared for her and had wanted to marry her no matter what had soothed some of her old wounds. She might not be ready to tell him her true feelings, but she was a lot more comfortable around him.

"Try not to scare our guests away," she said with another pat on his arm. "I must walk around the garden and be a good hostess."

A grunt was her only reply, but it only made her smile. Seeing her friends further up the garden, she walked over to them. Lady Mary and Olivia were both busy watching Dash a short distance away as he worked his charms on one of the Season's eligible young ladies. John Osborne stood with them, his face expressionless as he observed the spectacle. Rain had always felt bad for John. He was a lovely man but had fallen in love with someone who seemed unable to see him as anything other than a friend.

"I do not know why he is speaking to her," Mary was saying as Rain approached. "We all know he has no intentions of courting anyone. He tells us again and again that he is content to remain a rake."

"Perhaps he has changed his mind," Olivia said with a little shrug, even as her face betrayed her misery. She had never been able to hide her emotions, having a very expressive face.

"Doubtful," Rain scoffed. "Dash is having the time of his life and will not be content to find himself married. I am certain he is only being polite."

"Your Grace." Her friends curtsied and John sketched a bow.

Once the formalities were done, Olivia sighed. "I know I am a fool to love him, but I cannot stop."

"You will find someone else," Mary said with an encouraging smile. "Maybe you have simply not met the right gentleman yet."

Rain was rather impressed by how John could hear those words and not show with so much as a twitch of his face how much that must hurt him. Perhaps he had taken lessons from Marcus on remaining stoic at all times. Neither Olivia nor Mary knew of his affections for the former. Rain had only learned of them as her sister Nick was also a good friend of the group and she had an amazing ability to make people talk and spill their darkest secrets. It was by sheer force of will Rain had not told her sister about the state of her marriage.

It wasn't that she didn't trust her sister with the information. She knew better than most that Nick could keep a secret amazingly well. While everyone knew she and Marcus had not shared a home until now, she had not wanted to tell anyone why. Not just Nick—she had wanted no one to know the embarrassing reasons they were not together. Pride was the only thing she had at that point, and admitting to Marcus marrying her for money gained from bets was not something she wanted anyone to know. Her brother might suspect it, but she had refused to tell even him the full details.

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