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(n.) the phobia of losing someone you love


The six year old little girls were the pride of the Ferrari family

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The six year old little girls were the pride of the Ferrari family.

After years of trying to have a baby girl, they were finally blessed with two adorable little cuties.

Maria always wanted a girl to enjoy her shopping dates with and have special girl times.

She was over the moon when she got to know about the gender of her baby. 

Earlier they had no idea that she was having twins as only one baby was scanned during the ultrasound.

Maria being Maria, chose the name for her daughter beforehand. She had envisioned a younger version of herself in her baby girl.

She chose to name her Tiffany. 

Francisco, on the other hand, wanted to name her Astrea.

He had always been fascinated with Greek mythology and someone special to him had also decided the same name for a baby girl in their lives, if any.

The person long separated, but their memories were still fresh and alive with Francisco.

Maria being pregnant was not a new sight to the boys. She had typical pregnancy mood swings and cravings.

But during those nine months, she was incredibly moody and had crazy cravings.

She had always hated spicy food and ice cream, but pregnant Maria craved the combination of both at weird timings.

No one knew why her belly was bigger than normal. 

A few people did have the doubt of her carrying twins but they were proven wrong by the ultrasound.

Nine months passed by and her water finally broke. 

Francisco was sleeping and so were the others when Maria had the sudden urge to have eggs and pickles. 

Not wanting to wake up anyone else in the house, she quietly made her way to the kitchen. 

No, she was not the only one awake. Guards were there too but outside the mansion. 

She had a weird feeling and knew she would have to go into labour soon, but did not know how soon. 

Nine months were coming to an end, and so was the wait for the youngest of the family.

The Ferrari boys were very excited to finally have a sister. 

Oh, how much they wanted to spoil their little baby.

Maria and Francisco had always spoiled their children.

Francisco and Maria's love however,

was complicated?

Maybe, it was but that didn't define Francisco's love for his children. 

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