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I don't feel like talking...

Dani POV - the next day

"Stop touching me, Dayvon."

I'm still mad about yesterday because I really feel like they set my dumbass up. I'm blessed to even be living right now.

"Not you still mad about that. We was not going to hit you, shorty," he argued.

"But you didn't know that. And stop calling me shorty nigga, I'm 5'7."

I've realized that over these last few months I've gotten much more vocal and not as shy as I used to be. Maybe that's because I'm always around ignorant ass people like Mr. Bennett.

"Alright, I'm sorry we did that but we got the job done," he shrugged.

"Whatever. Where are we even going?"

We've been in the car for about 30 minutes and he won't even tell me where we're going.

"You'll see in a minute," he said before his phone started ringing. He looked at it and rolled his eyes, setting it back in the cup holder.

The phone was facing me now so I could see someone named Kris was calling.

Let me stop being nosey...

I think he saw me looking at his phone so he tried to make conversation.

"You talked to your sister?" he asked.

"Nope, I hope she's doing good. She's probably had her baby. I wonder where she's been staying."

"She probably still with Joshua."

"Speaking of him," I paused, "you know he's going to be looking for his brother?"

"Fuck that gotta do with me?" Von shrugged.

"Oh, I don't know. His brother is dead and your probably the only person he had beef with. You most definitely wouldn't be the first person he thought of when he finds out he got shot," I elaborated.

"I ain't worried about that lil nigga because he next on my hit list," he responded. So cold...

He parked the car in front of a doctor's office.

"Um, you pulled out when we had sex. Why are we here?" I asked. Von paused for a minute.

"You know your daddy was schizophrenic right?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You don't notice how sometimes you black out and don't listen when people talking to you?" he hinted.

Do I do that?

What is he trying to say? Is he trying to call us crazy?

I don't think we need to go in there...

"Dani!" he waved in my face, "See? You just did it."

"Ok whatever, that's still not telling me why we're here."

"I made you an appointment so you can get tested," he said.

"I don't need to get tested, I'm fine."

"Dani, yes you do."

"You can't tell me what to do. Who do you think you are? My dad?"

"No, but I care about your goofy ass so you getting a test before this shit gets worse," he said raising his voice.

He got out the car and slammed the door behind him. I decided I would get out the car so I won't make him angrier and give him a reason to shoot me.

He did almost unintentionally kill me last night. Imagine if he was actually aiming for me.

We walked into the office and Von gave them my name. They made us wait to be called and Von decided to be petty and not talk to me.

Maybe I do need to do this, but I'm scared of what they'll say. I don't wanna be like my dad.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you," I mumbled breaking the silence. I hate having to be the bigger person.

"I know you care about me and you wanna make sure I'm okay. I'm just worried about the outcome," I admitted.

He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

"No matter they say, we gon be straight," he assured.

He's a good friend... or boyfriend, or whatever he's supposed to be.

"Danielle Baker," the doctor called.

"You good or you need me to come with you?" Von asked me.

"I got it."

I walked to the back with the doctor and she led us to a small room. Hate places like this...

"So, I am Dr. Brown and I'm going to be your psychiatrist," she introduced herself, typing away at her computer.

"I know your here to be tested for schizophrenia. May I ask what are some things you or other people have noticed?"

I haven't noticed shit, so let's just go off of what Von says...

"Well, I've been told that I often tune out in the middle of conversations. That's really the main thing," I answered.

"Okay," she dragged, taking notes on what I said, "do you ever have delusions or hallucinations?"

"Not really."

"That's good. Do you ever hear any voices in your head? They might tell you good or bad things."

Should we be telling her all of our business?

"Sometimes I do," I answered trying to keep this short. I'm ready to get the fuck out of here.

"How many are there?"

"Two at the most."

"Is there anyone in your family who has or had schizophrenia?"

"My father."

"How has he been lately?"

"He's incarcerated so I haven't seen him since I was about 10 years old."

"And what was his name?" she asked.

Federal ass doctor...

"Daniel Baker." She finished typing and turned to me.

"That should be all the info we need. We're gonna do a urine test to make sure that these symptoms aren't coming from any kind of drugs or anything. Then we're gonna do an MRI, a blood test, and an ink blot test so we can see if there is something going on anywhere else," she smiled.

We completed all of the tests and they told me that I'd be receiving my results within a week. I hope everything is good because I don't need any more problems right now.

"How did it go?" Von asked as we walked out of the office.

"It actually didn't go that bad. Now we just wait on the results."

"I'm proud of you," he smiled as we got in the car. He started it up and we headed home.


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