06 | a rooftop conversation

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AFTER TALKING WITH ELI, I WAS IMMEDIATELY MORE AT EASE. Soon the movie had finished, and afterward I somehow managed to slip a pillow in place of me for Mason to sleep on. Which was quite difficult considering that he had draped an arm around me in his sleep and had a grip like a fucking koala.

"How did you do that?" Eli and Benji asked in shock, making me guess this isn't the first time he's done this. I just shrugged my shoulders, honestly not knowing the answer myself.

"No idea," I said. "Um, also can one of you guys show me the rest of the house? I didn't really see much yesterday." I wanted to be able to at least kind of know where I was living. Maybe then it'd feel a little bit more of my own instead of like staying at a permanent hotel.

"Sorry, I've got to leave for the shop in a few minutes," Benji apologized, a remorseful look on his features. "E, you got it?"

"Course," Eli said, smiling at me. My heart warmed slightly at the action, but I pushed it down and ignored it. Don't get too attached, Evie. They could be just like Whitney.

But they could be different.

That's what you thought about her boyfriends, too. Every time you thought each new one would be different. And here you are, with a bruised jaw and too many scars to count.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts, trying to get a grip. Eli and Benji must have noticed me drift off as well because they were giving each other a confused yet pitiful look. They shook themselves out of it when I caught them.

"Alright. Bye, E. Bye, little sis," he said, leaving for his room but then stopping. "We're really glad to have you back, kid." There was something foreign in his voice that I couldn't identify, but I just decided to let it go.

"Let's go then," he said. He led me around the house, pointing me to the different rooms and areas, still amazing me how nice this place was compared to my apartment with Whitney. I was struggling to keep up due to how long his legs were compared to mine, and by the end of it I was pouting and he was trying his best not to laugh.

"Not. Funny," I muttered viciously under my breath. He snickered, and I sent him my best death glare, but he just laughed harder.

"Hey, I'll make up for it," he offered. "There's one last place I haven't showed you yet." Seriously? There's more?

"What is it?" I asked. He didn't answer me, but instead waved his hand for me to follow him. I obliged and walked with him up a set of stairs, and I almost gasped out loud when I saw the view.

We were on a railed area of the roof that faced the back of the house. There was nothing but woods for miles and miles, a drastic difference from the rest of Redmond. Colorful birds flew from tree to tree, and I could have sworn I saw a deer. For the first time since I came here, I finally felt at peace.

"If you ever feel like you need an escape, just come here," Eli said, and the dazed look in his eyes made it seem like he was speaking from experience.

"You mind if I stay up here for a bit?" I asked, mesmerized by the view. It was also nice to have time to myself in a place that wasn't my room.

"No, go ahead," he smiled. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." I gave him a small smile in return and sat down by the rails, watching the view. He walked back inside the house, leaving me with just my thoughts.

The past two days had been so confusing. So many changes just happened so quickly, all at once. At least my brothers seem fine, at least at first glance. I didn't really plan on getting to know them much past that, because that means trust. And when you give someone you shouldn't too much trust, nothing good comes out of that.

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