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"Kyle" Diante whispered as he stared at Jordan's chest rise slowly. Then fall.

"She's gone," Kyle sobbed.

"Not quite" Diante chuckled, and Kyle raised his head. Marcos turned from Christian's shoulder and stared incredulously at Jordan's body as her chest rose and fell.

He turned his head slightly, his ears perking as he heard her heartbeat. He nearly choked on his own breath had he been so relieved. Yet, her heart was too erratic, too quick, nothing like a human heartbeat. Or at least a human heartbeat in good condition and considering she'd just been in shock minutes ago; he hadn't known what to expect.

Kyle was by her side in seconds, finally allowing himself to look at her. He gathered her in his arms and whispered to her. "Jordan?" He brushed her hair away and Merle stood with hope in his heart. Minutes without her and he nearly crumbled.

"Say something sunshine" He encouraged.

Say something sunshine, she heard. Though the voice was distorted, and she couldn't make out the tone, only one person called her sunshine.

Her eyes fluttered rapidly, and everyone breathed out or gasps. Kyle, he laughed. He had to, he felt so relieved, in joy, ecstatic. She was alive, in his arms, fluttering her eyes.

Then they opened completely, and his breath was taken away as did everyone else's. All witnessing her golden irises.

"H-how? I thought-" Kyle was at a loss for words. He didn't know the process of becoming a wolf without the full moon. Did their heart stop and when the full moon arrived, they became wolves? But there hadn't been a full moon. It was now morning and yet he was staring into the golden glow of his mate's eyes.

"Save that for another day Kyle" Diante laid his hand on his shoulder with a smile. Even he hadn't understood why or how she was turned.

Maybe it delt something with an Alpha biting you they you turned the same day if you hadn't died. He didn't know, but he did know one thing. Jordan did die. Her heart and her breathing all stopped.

Knowing this, still he hadn't wanted to point out the mystique of her turning. He was grateful she wasn't dead-again, permanently.

Jordan still hadn't said anything, everything still seemed odd to her. As if she were waking up from a coma. She only looked around at the multiple faces staring down at her.

She looked for one person.

And she found him. Her eyes landed on him, and her hand raised up swiftly cupping his face. Kyle wanted to wince and grunt at her strength, but he hadn't wanted to frighten her with the thought of hurting him, so he sucked it up. As he stared into her eyes, her glow had faded and now he stood into her brown, familiar, beautiful eyes.

"Kyle...." She whispered and he nodded. A tear slipped down his face, and she wiped it away swiftly.

Feeling intense, curious gazes on her, her eyes flickered away, and she shifted in his arms, uncomfortable.

"She's getting riled guys. She... doesn't like everyone staring at her. C'mon" Diante said and pulled everyone away.

Jordan noticed how her right arm hadn't stung with pain, not even a little. She gripped it and snatched it off. Kyle stared at her with awe as she turned her arm over and over, her eyes brightening.

Her eyebrows furrowed as something continued to thump through her ears.

It hurt and she winced, Kyle holding her close in concern, but she only tried getting away as it got louder.

"Tell me what it is. What's hurting you?"

Our heartbeat. It's loud in her ears. Calm yourself.

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now