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It's finally the middle of the week and the end of the day. RING! Shit! That's the bell. I take my time getting to History class. I set my stuff down. "Alright, we're going to be doing an online activity today so you'll need your computers. I forgot to charge mine last night." Just great. I stand up and walk up to Mrs. Sumner's desk.
"Yes, Brooklynn. Sorry Brooke." She corrected herself.
"I was wondering if I could borrow a computer charger." I ask smiling.
"Of course. Bottom drawer." She said staring at her computer.
I walk around her desk and reach down to find the charger. I see her beautiful legs. They look like they've been shaved or maybe even waxed recently. Shit my thoughts. Don't do it. Don't do it. As I stand back up I trail my hand up her leg. I feel the goosebumps form as my fingers leave her delicate skin. I smile and turn to walk away, trying to hide my happiness.

I move over to the desk closer to her desk. Mainly so the charger can reach my computer from the wall. I feel her eyes watching me. So I make sure not to make eye contact. I open my computer and look at the blank screen as it turns on, smiling. I see her shake her head and look back at her computer.
"Everything's already posted, so let me know if you need help." She told us as she scanned the room.

I click open the webpage and raise my hand as if I didn't know what else to do.
"Yes, Brooklynn." She looked up at me, making eye contact. I could a smile try not to form across her face.
"I need help." I replied.

She stood up from her desk and adjusted her skirt. She stood to the side of me. "What do you need help with?" She asked looking at the computer. "I don't know where else to go." I said cluelessly. I don't know if she was falling for it or if she was going along.

She leaned in closer to me. I looked over and seen her beautiful breasts. I think she was trying to show me more. I bit my lip as I looked at hers. I wanted to feel her lips against mine but that wasn't possible. We were in class. I could feel my heart pounding as I took in her beauty.

She placed her right hand on my thigh. I partially felt her warm hand on my skin through the big rips of my black jeans. "Click this," she pointed to the screen with her left hand and I hesitated. She was making feel sensation everywhere. My breath hitched. "Umm yea okay." I clicked on it. I felt her hand travel up my thigh. I bit my lip. Was this really happening? In class? I guess no one could see, they weren't paying attention. She reached two of her fingers into the rips of my pants. I could almost feel her touch my panties. She was very close. She squeezed my thigh and I threw my head back. I crossed my legs and her hand was trapped. "mmm" a soft low sound came out of my mouth. "Payback" she whispered into my ear. I felt her warmth breath agains my ear. Damn I wish she would kiss me right now.

I could feel my lower parts pounding. Begging to be touched. I quickly shot my head back up realizing I was in class. I uncrossed my legs and she released her hand. "You got it Brooke." "Yes thank you Mrs. Sumner." I said as she smiled at me and headed back to her desk.

I crossed my legs once again and bit my lip. I could feel the wetness and the sensation all over my body. I wanted to be touched. My body needed to be touched. And she left me wanting more. Mrs. Sumner knew what she was doing to me and she enjoyed it.

I couldn't even focus to do the assignment. I readjusted in my seat and she just smiled, looking at her computer not looking up. I got adjusted and started working. bzzz. bzzz. My phone buzzed. It was Mrs. Sumner again.
'You all good? :)' She text me and was watching me read it smiling.

'Don't you know what you just did?' I replied back, looking up at her. My eyes met her blue eyes and she made a face that she was jokingly sad.

'I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?' She smiled as she set down her phone and looked back at her computer.

I just sent back a rolling eyes emoji. She knew what she did to me. That's why she did it. I shouldn't have let my thoughts take over my actions. I shouldn't have touched her legs. But damn were they soft. She let out a small chuckle as she looked at her phone.

I finished the assignment just as the bell rang. "Don't forget to turn in your homework from yesterday!" She shouted over the bell and scrambling around of people trying to get there things together. I walk to turn in my paper and she just gives me a genuine smile. She's beautiful. I grab my things and head out the door.

I head to the bus and put in my earbuds. The bus ride is shorter than usual. I guess people didn't wanna come to school today. I guess it is Wednesday I don't blame them. Once I get home I grab a snack and head to my room. I plug in my earbuds and start on my homework.

I hear the door slam against the wall. "Hey! I've been calling for you the last 10 minutes." Mom says as she barges into my room. "Sorry I couldn't hear you." I try to get out before being talk over. "You always got those earbuds in. Never listening to a damn word I say. Get up and go do the dishes." I got up and went to the kitchen as she went back to the living room. She picked up a few things and put them in a basket. "After your done with the dishes clean up the kitchen." "Okay." I said trying my best not to sound annoyed. "I don't need your attitude Brooklynn. I don't wanna hear another word. Do as I told you." She snapped back.

I cleaned the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. It was a mess. I don't even know how it gets so messy and why I'm the one stuck cleaning it up when she's the only one home all day. "It's all done." I tell her with a smile on my face. "Thanks, Brooke. I love you sweetheart." She replies watching tv. I head back to my room to finish up my homework.

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