3. I'm Free!? (Edited)

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Today feels different, I woke up with a feeling inside me but i don't know if it's good or bad. I decided to skip school today because I can't even walk properly right now.

My ankle is swollen and kind of light purple and dark red, my stomach is aching alot and don't even ask about my back, I can't even take a look at the amount of damage they did to my back.


All those whip marks. I'm ruined. I always think that there will be a future for me, but everytime i wake up after beatings, that little hope diminishes.

I somehow made my way downstairs, it's still 7 a. m. and I have to make breakfast. I was almost done when they came strolling in the kitchen.

"Well.. Well..Looks like someone has learned her lesson, am I right? Did you remember or shall we teach you again!? " Samuel spoke.

"N- N- No!! Sir, I understood. Please don't beat me. " I immediately begged dreading after hearing the word 'lesson'.

"Good.... Now set the breakfast in 2 minutes Or you'll see how lenient we were last night. " Mike spoke.

Lenient.... Psst... My foot. I mumbled.

Since they were talking and I was using utensils it was not that audible.

"Did you say something? " Mike ask

I paled. "Yes sir just a thank you for being lenient. " I tried my best not to sound sarcastic and not to stutter.

He raised his brows but then went to talk to Samuel, I guess they were discussing something important.

I need to stop talking whatever comes in my mind and stop being sarcastic. It'll surely land me in some big trouble someday.

After serving them the breakfast, I heard my stomach growl. Of course, I didn't eat anything since last breakfast that also just an apple.

I hope they go fast and then maybe I can eat the leftovers. Because if I have to eat with them, I have to ask permission and most of the time it's no.

I sighed and waited for them to leave. Till then I cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes.

I heard the footsteps then the sound of closing of the main door indicating they left.

And again I could not stop but have a feeling something is going to happen.

I ignored it again and since I'm not going to school today I tried to relax for a day. I ate the leftovers which included only vegetables not any meat.

After two hours the door bell rang. I was stunned and scared because nobody comes to this house especially and if it was one of my 'Family' then they won't ever ring the bell.

I lifted myself from the couch and headed to the door with my damaged ankle.

I opened the door and saw..... Police?
What are they doing here? Did they got the wrong address? Did they came because I skipped the school?

No stupid.

I was brought out of my daze when the female officer cleared her throat. I looked at her. She's a beautiful woman with age around mid 30s. She's is a brunette lady and tall. She was along with another police officer.

She again cleared her throat and brought my attention back to her and she must have noticed the look on my face because her eyes softened as she spoke,
"Is this the house of Mike and Samuel Johnson? "

"Umm... Yes" I answered confused on why they are here.

"And how you are related to them? " She asked again.

"Well umm.. It's complicated but they are my u-uncle and b- b- brother" I spoke not surely satisfied with my introduction.

"I'm sorry to say but your uncle and brother got into a fight which lead to the on the spot death of your uncle and your brother is hospitalized." She spoke with sympathy.

Little did she know how grateful I was for giving me this kind of news.

"Your brother had a quite serious injury on his head which lead him to coma. And he is expected to not wake up anytime soon. " She continued making me more happy internally.

There is a fact about me , I can't show emotions other than scared and pained ones. I haven't smiled or laughed wholeheartedly for years. Even Ivan was not even capable other than able to tug a small smile on my face.

I looked at her deadpanned.

I totally forgot to invite her inside. I invited her and stood staring at her.

I drifted my mind thinking, Am I really free now? Since Mike is dead and Samuel is in coma, this means I'm free from abuse now, right? My questions were answered when the officer again spoke,

"Since you're still not 18 dear and need a guardian, we're going to take a DNA test and if it matches with any of your relatives then you'll go live with them otherwise you'll be put in foster care."

And here my face paled again. I have been told how cruel foster care can be.

"Do you know anyone, like relatives or anyone who will be ready to take you in? " She questioned.

I shook my head and she sighed.

"Don't worry child we'll support you and I'm really sorry for your loss."

She was speaking but i was still in daze. I had this little hope which sparked within me. I thought if they'll go away, i will be free, but no I'm still stuck in this life.

Guess what, looks like I still didn't get any freedom.

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