Chapter 45

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"I KNOW. I WENT to Boston. We talked." Ethan shook his head. "No, I went to Boston to talk to him," he whispered.

Avery looked at Ethan's face over her shoulder. "What? How? When?" She placed her hand on his to stop him from washing her arm.

Ethan paused and embraced her from behind, resting his hands on her belly. He laid his chin on her left shoulder. "Don't be mad at me, my love."

"How? Were you in Boston the day you extended your trip?" Avery raised her brows.

"Yes. Art texted me, saying David was back and insisted on seeing you. He was begging Art to tell him where you are. Art felt I had to know. And I thank him for thinking that way instead of sending David here." 

Avery felt a soft peck on her neck. "How did it go?" She clasped her hands with his.

"I met him in Shelly and Art's house. It surprised him. He didn't believe Art when he told him I existed." Ethan chuckled.

"Was he nice to you, at least? I mean, civil?"

"We had a staring match for about 15 minutes, I think. Then Art broke the ice by introducing me to him. It was a funny introduction." Ethan's laughter filled the bathroom.

"Why? What did Art say?" Avery started massaging Ethan's arms.

"Um... Should we do a rain check on the storytelling?" He planted tiny kisses on Avery's left shoulder, her back, and her other shoulder.

"Uh ah... You can kiss me all you want, but tell me what happened."

"My love, we have to finish this bath, and I promise to continue my story later. I don't want you to catch a cold by staying too long in the water."

"Is that so?" Avery smirked, knowing he was trying to get out of it.

"Of course. I'll make sure I clean you up." 

Avery's giggles overpowered the silence in the bathroom as Ethan teased her by peppering her back with tiny kisses.


The washing and cleaning that began in the bathtub ended in the bed. Though their bodies were spent after the pleasurable moment they passionately shared, sleep didn't come to them.

Knowing Ethan had met David was like a drug enough to keep Avery awake. To assure the love of his life that nothing or nobody from her past could get between them was a life goal that kept Ethan from sleeping.

Rested in bed with their bodies spooned together, Avery addressed the elephant in the room.

"I sometimes thought about her body when I was still in Boston. What she'd looked like." She paused and cleared her throat. "The woman David cheated on me with. Was her body curvier? Was her skin smoother than mine?" She burst out a soft and long laugh.

"Hey, there will never be a body curvier... and no skin softer and smoother than yours." Ethan's hand softly stroked her right arm to the side of her waist and her pregnant belly.

She felt his kiss on her hair. "I hate him for that... making me doubt myself, sleeping at night feeling unworthy."

Ethan slowly moved her hair to her other side and placed his lips softly on her neck. Then, he took a deep breath and whispered in her ear, "Sometimes, we'll have to meet someone who'll show us what love is not."

Avery felt his warm breathing when he whispered to her. She moved her right hand toward his face. Gradually, she traced his jaw and cheeks. "I even thought maybe he met someone perfect for him, even though he was committed to me. So I tried to find an excuse for what he did." She let out a long sigh.

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