A gift for Sensei (Shiroko)

892 31 3

SCHALE Executive Office
Time: 14:00

A few days ago, tons of paper works were stacked on the table like crazy that it feels like a whole world is throwing their work on him.

But he can't just quit his duty yet as it was his responsibility to finish signing off these papers, Thanks to Arona If it weren't for her, He would be sleeping on the table by now

Sensei: "3,995 Out of 4,000 Papers!

Arona: "You are closing in! 5 Remainings and you are free to go!"

An Elementry Schooler cheers him up inside the Tablet. Her name is Arona, The A.I Resides in Shittim Tablet with the occupation of Sensei's Trusty Secretary.

She wears a sailor uniform, a Light Oceanic blue shirt, and a white skirt, short light blue hair, White ribbon tied on her head, What's more, is that her oceanic blue eyes are also oceanic and deeper colorized.

She proved to be a great assistance to him so much, Without her, He would have lost on the way in the vast big Kivotos city without any clue at all. And whenever he is alone, She is one of the individuals in SCHALE to have a conversation with whenever loneliness struck him. Besides Receptionist Sora on the first-floor working at a convenience store.

Sensei: "Annnnnd Done!"

Signed the last papers, He is done for the day, for his sake of mental well-being, Finding a hobby to refresh and enjoy is now on the schedule today when it was almost time for the weekend.

Arona: "Good works Sensei! 0 Papers remaining *Clap-Clap!*"

Arona claps her hands cheerfully and expresses her celebration for going through the hard work.

Sensei: "All thanks to you, Arona, I would Probably burn out and stop by now if you didn't accompany me."

Genuinely expressing his Gratitude, Sensei smiled back to the AI Which make Arona proudly chuckles with both of her hands on her waist.

Arona: "Heh Heh. You are flattering me, All I did was to stay by your side."

Arona's eyes fixed towards sensei's gaze intensely, As if She is analyzing him and then making a thinking face.

Arona: "Don't tell me. Sensei, You have fallen in love with my adorableness aren't you? Hmmm?"

She said as she have smug on her face, Clearly waiting for the expecting answer. Would he yelp in surprise? Or he will deny it that he is fallen for me with the surprised expression.

However, Sensei counter her smug expression by giving a cold look with a harsh answer.

Sensei: "Not at all."

She was taken it back.

Arona: "Ah."

An Awkward silence. She is quite sure that her appearance is adorable, Does he mean it? His answer did say that she is not cute at all, Does it mean...

Arona: "Sensei..."

Something has changed to her Halo above her head, From the usual Blue Halo into Purple Halo that seems to be melting and dripping in shape, indicating that her mood is in bad condition.

Seeing the red flag, Sensei nervously looked around and thought of a way to cheer her up.

Arona: "Am I... Not too advanced to be a help for you? Or you were thinking of replacing me for another cuter AI."

Arona looks up to Sensei with the sad puppy eyes as if she got abandoned by its current owner.

Sensei: "No... You may not be as Advanced-"

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