Chapter 10

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Myra nervously fiddled with her fingers while sitting on the chair in principal's office. Her brothers were sprawled on the seats beside her looking careless. Zack had multiple bandages on his face. Greg was sitting beside him looking anxious of whatever was going to happen. He was beaten up too but less than Zack. Their parents were standing behind them looking furious. The principal just continuously stared at the 'naughty kids' in front of him.

Myra felt her breath hitch when Victor and Tristan entered through the doors. She avoided looking at them, her head remained bowed down.

"Mr Grey!" The principal greeted them and shook their hands. Emilio stood up from the seat letting Tristan sit there. Victor preferred to stand. He stood behind Myra's chair. She could feel his eyes looking down at her skull.

The principal told them everything that had happened. He also mentioned that he had investigated and it was found out that Myra was a victim of bullying.

Victor's hand tightened around the head of her chair.

Triplets got detention for three days for fighting in the class and Greg and Zack were expelled from school. Up on seeing Victor and Tristan present there, their parents made them apologize to Myra.

"Let's go kids." Tristan said in a stern, serious voice.

Victor grabbed Myra's backpack in his hand and wrapped his hand around her shoulder as he guided her towards their cars.

Myra sat in the backseat, her eyes looking out of the window watching the scenery passing. No one said any word. It was eerily quiet when they made it back home.

Myra quietly made her way upstairs avoiding everyone. But however Victor followed behind her.

She had thrown her body onto the bed exhaustingly when he entered inside.

"Why didn't you tell me everything?" He asked.

"I am sorry. I just didn't." She said.

"I could have helped." He said.

"I know." She whispered.

Victor crouched down in front of her and held her face in his hands.

"What happened? What changed? You never lied to me like that." He asked softly.

Tears brimmed in her eyes. His heart clenched as he looked down at her wobbling lips.

"I d-don't w-want to a-appear weak."

"Who said you are weak? You are a strong girl Myra! A smart girl. I am not doubting you that you don't have capability to fight with your own demons. But I just want to help you as your older brother. We can just fight through the problems together without getting hurt. If you fall, I will catch you and if I stumble, I know that you will hold me."

She nodded her head. A small smile appeared on her face when he leaned down to kiss her head.

"Take some rest now. We are going out for a family dinner." He announced.

"Really? Where?" She asked confused.

"Just to one of our restaurant. Nothing too fancy." He said with a smile.


Myra threw on one of her cute red dress. It was short and reached a little above her knees. She slipped on her heels and came running down the staircase.

"Slow down Myra! You are going to fall." Victor's voice boomed.

Myra smiled sheepishly and came downstairs slowly.

Arles looked like he wanted to say something as he took in her appearance but decided against it.

"Isn't it too short?!" Enrique commented sounding like he was actually asking question.

"It is not even that short." Myra said sounding a little offended.

"Come on. We need to go right now." Tristan announced.

Triplets were in their own car. Myra was as usual with Victor and Tristan. This time their guards were following them.

They reached their one of the restaurant. Myra wasn't shocked to see paparazzi. She winced at the sharp flashes. Sensing her discomfort, Victor nodded at Tripets who stood around her blocking her view.

Tristan placed his hand on her waist and guided her towards the entrance. Victor was behind everyone. He got in last after making sure that his family reached safely inside.

They made their way towards the private section that was reserved especially for them.

Myra sat in between Tristan and Victor as she flipped through the menu.

A waitress came to write down their orders.

The dinner was well awkward. Myra mostly kept quiet only answering few of the questions as the family made their 'work' conversation. She didn't liked it. They always talked in riddles. Myra's IQ level was not much to understand it.

Everyone was already finished with their food. But still they waited for Myra who was taking her pretty much time. When she was finally done, they started to guide her out of the restaurant.

Paparazzi was still blocking the way. They were acting pretty aggressive trying to get answers of their questions by pushing into each other just to get close to the family.

Seeing no way out as the crowd had increased more, Victor started to pull Myra out of there, a little forcefully. Emilio and others followed closely behind. They were a little far from their cars when Victor's eyes caught a small red dot that appeared on Myra's forehead in between all those sharp camera flashes.

He immediately pushed her to the side still not leaving her wrist. A gunshot literally missed the side of her head, hitting the one of camera in the process.

Next there was chaos. In between this Victor's grip around her wrist loosened.

His heartbeat stopped.

He angrily searched through the people calling Myra's name. More gunshots invaded the panicked, horrific screams blending his shouts. Triplets pushed through the crowd to search for their little sister.

"MYRA!" Tristan shouted loudly after hearing Victor's yells. He gasped when he felt a sharp bullet pierced through his heart. He looked down at his chest to see blood flowing out.

"Dad!" Emilio being the closest one to him yelled seeing this. Seeing no other option, Victor and triplets pulled their guns out.

Myra whimpered when she felt someone's foot crushed her hand. Suddenly her hair was gripped in a harsh grip and she was yanked up from the ground. She cried at the pain but was forced to quietened down when she felt a gun pointed at her jaw.

"Keep quiet pretty girl. Or I am gonna blow your mind out." An unfamiliar voice hissed in her ears.

Helpless tears dropped down her eyes as she was dragged towards a waiting black van. She was roughly thrown in it. Hands immediately grabbed her wrists and ankles. She started to thrash around and scream for her brothers. But everything paused when she felt a sharp pinch of needle being pushed in her veins.

A last lone tear rolled down her cheek as she lost consciousness.

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