Fifty-three | Alonzo

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 Two months. It's been two months since Reagan has been missing. I have been doing nothing but searching for her. Spending all my nights researching all the people that may be with my mom behind this. Matteo has been helping me by going out to sniff out leads.

Another lead had just come in this morning and we are now on our way to a county on the coast of Romania. There is a base there that was thought of as merely a gang related establishment, but it's been showing signs of being more than that.

For the past two months, we've been getting a bunch of leads. We go and scour them out just for them to be a waste of time. Though, every time, heart skips every beat at the thought of seeing Reagan again. I can't even go into the room without thinking of her, merde, I can't even look at the dogs much because all I see is her babying them and smothering them with kisses. I just miss her so much. I need her back. I have no one.

I have people jumping off of boats, out of cars, and hovering in helicopters. I run in through the front doors with my gun raised high and heart racing. People on either side of me look around, pointing their guns to be alert. The foyer is empty and dark. We move in deeper until I burst through the doors of a kitchen and people are sitting around a round table smoking thick cigarettes that make the room smokey.

"Mainile sus!" I tell them to put their hands up in Romanian.

"We speak English dumbass." One of them scoffs.

I stalk towards the one that spoke. I grab him by the collar. "Where is your boss?" I spit.

"Look man, some chick told me to come here and stir up some trouble. She flew me all the way here from the States." He rushes out.

"Who?!" I question.

He shook his head. "She didn't say a name!"

"How did she contact you?" I ask, tightening my grip on his collar.

"Called me?" He said it like a question.

"How did she contact you?!" I say with a harsher tone.

He scrunches his eyes shut. "I got a call off my cell! To bring a couple of my guys down here to draw in attention!"

"Give me your phone." I order.

"Well— it wasn't my phone. It was sent to me in the mail and as soon as I opened it, it rang." He explains.

"Give it." I command.

"Right, right." He fishes something out of his pocket and puts it in my hand. I drop the man in my hand and he scrambles away.

"Run this through everything. Find everything." I order my men in Italian.

They are trying to bring us around places. Make us take the smallest leads to waste our time. If my mother is the one behind this, then why would she take the only thing I've ever held dear to me?

We are back to Italy by the end of the day. We have other warehouses, but I don't trust any other location other than my large department. I have all the resources I need here in Italy. I don't care about costs with travel, I'll spend any amount of money to find Reagan. Whatever it takes.

"What other leads have sparked?" I question my men around the table.

"Nothing significant. Everything else just leads to silly street gangs." I'm informed by Montez.

"Their logic is to lead us all over the globe. They will be silent, we need to search for something inconspicuous." I state. "A place where it blends in and looks like any other place." I explain to them. "This is taking too long." I mutter under my breath.

She could be dead by now and I'd have no one. I am fighting for her. She is the only reason I am alive. The only reason I care about coming home is to come home to her. Before her I'd give everything on the battlefield; I was ruthless and would do some risky things for the betterment of the name. I'd do everything I can to not come home because it was fun on the field, I'd sleep at work most of the time. But now I just do what I have to do to get home early. I need to be with her. Without Reagan, I'll just go back to who I was before.

I'm not even sleeping. Every once and a while I'd nod off in my office chair only to wake an hour or two later and just get back to work. My eyes have bags underneath them, my skin is pale, not to mention I damn near have a beard.

Matteo offers to give me a break but I can't take a break when she is still missing. He keeps pushing but he is just being a good friend. He knows how much she means to me, I think, but he cares that I am rested and shit.


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