17 [ kiss ]

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While staring at them softly, zach saw on his peripheral vision that a shadow moved a little on the window

He closed his eyes and stayed alert until he heard the window opened slowly but still made a clicked sound

He heard a footsteps coming from them and it stopped behind him, he opened his eyes and quickly turned around to punch the person on his stomach

The assassin fell on his knee and started to cough while feeling a pain on his stomach, zach kicked the assassin's head until a blood started to come out from the assassin's nose

The assassin was about to bite his tongue off when zach held its cheeks tightly, forcing its mouth to open

Zach woke siah up by calling his name repeatedly, as a light sleeper siah woke up from the sudden call and saw the situation they were in

After he realized what happened he quickly called the knights that's roaming around the palace

After noticing the knights he quickly came back to the room and saw zach still on the position they were in. He quickly get a piece of cloth, a few handkerchief perhaps. He rolled it until it formed a ball form and placed in on the assassin's mouth then another cloth to tied his mouth and also another one for his arms and feet

Zach chuckled at him by what he did while siah smirked at him "just for caution"

The knights entered the room and carried the assassin to the prison not so far from the palace

Melly who saw the assassin getting carried away clicked her tongue and was about to leave her hiding spot when she felt a presence behind her, it was one of the general of the knights staring at her coldly

Before she was about to leave, the general already caught her and pushed her towards one of the palace's room

She was tied up on the chair, trembling on fear and a tear started to form on her eyes "im innocent" she pursed her lips "why did you caught me?" She asked while still trembling and started to stutter on her words but the general only looked at her coldly

Suddenly, zach entered the room while carrying a bunch of papers. It was a document for her crimes

"Melly Agosna, Daughter of the head maid 10 years ago that already past away. 20 years old. Started to be a maid since she was 16. Crimes: robbery, treason, threatening, physical abuse" zach started to read the documents out loud

"I didn't knew there's a criminal inside the palace, who's managing the servants in the palace?!" Zach exclaimed and suddenly an old butler entered the room

He looked at melly in frustration and sadness, he also didn't knew she's a criminal since she was like a daughter to him. He cared for her since melly's mother died from an illness

He bowed down and waited for his punishment for his incompetence, the knights pulled the old butler on the prison for a punishment, it was not a heavy punishment for him so he thought it was fine and grateful for the king's mercy. Melly's eyes widened and suddenly realized her mistakes after feeling guilty

She started to tear up again and felt sorry for her self especially for the victims but she cant do anything except to feel distress. After she calmed down she looked up and stares at zach's eyes

"Im ready for the punishment, anything is fine just dont touch the old butler and my siblings" she said after a sigh

Zach nodded at her and signals the knights to let the butler go and send melly to the prison until her punishment already decided

After everyone left he stayed for a few minutes on the room then sighed heavily, he went to his study room and continued his work to distract himself since he cant sleep

Siah's POV

After an hour i still didn't see zach, it's already dawn and he still didn't come back to this room

I looked at axle whose sleeping soundly and leaned towards him, i kissed his cheeks and fixed his comforter on him

I walk out of the room silently so axle wont wake up then went straight to the study room

I leaned my ear on the door and heard someone writing, i was sure it was zach

I frowned and knocked at the door and before he could speak i opened it and closed it

He looked at me confusedly so i looked back at him while raising my eyebrow, i walked towards him

"Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked

"That's what would i like to ask you"

He pursed his lips and continued to write "i cant"

I nodded at him then sighed, i went to his back and started to massage his shoulder

"So stiff" i said while chuckling and he only smiled slightly but i noticed that his tense atmosphere vanished completely

I subconsciously smiled and leaned my chin on his shoulder, he stopped writing then looked at my direction that made his lips touched my cheeks

My eyes widened and felt my cheeks burning, i hurriedly hide my face on his neck making him chuckle while i felt the vibrations from his neck on my face

While still burying my face on his neck i felt his hand on top of my head, he started to ruffled my hair slowly

I lifted my head and looked at him then i felt his hand on my head pushing me towards him

My heart was pounding so hard that made me think if zach can also hear it

While in a daze i suddenly felt a soft touch on my lips, i came back to my senses and realized that it was his lips touching mine

I felt my face getting warmer and warmer but zach still wont let go and continued to deepen the kiss

Until someone suddenly opened the door that made us stop

"Woah! It's still too early for that, calm down lovebirds~" he said while chuckling then smirks at us

I Take Care Of His Highness's Sonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن