Chapter 7

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After we got off the plane my Aunt and Uncle were there to pick us up from the airport.

We stopped for something to eat since we didn't eat lunch. The wounds are still fresh from what happened, so I didn't really have an appetite and didn't want to engage into the conversation.

We left the diner and made our way to my cousin's apartment. Amy is really excited to have me move in with her. We were really close as kids and we acted like sisters, so it was a no brainer to move in with her.

Before I even get to knock on the door, Amy flings the door open and tackles me.

"You're here!" She yells hugging the crap out of me.


After she releases me she goes to greet my parents. We all catch up a little, then bring in my stuff that I didn't ship over.

Amy gives me some time to say goodbye to my family.

"Hey you be good for mom and dad" I said to my little brother who's not so little anymore.

"I will" He said.

I went over to my dad.

"You have a good time here kiddo and stay safe" He said.

"I will."

Leaving my mom for last, I give her the biggest hug.

"I am so proud of you honey" She said.

"Thanks mom."

"Now you take care of yourself and I mean it. Don't let whatever happened back home mess with your life here because I know you'll probably stay home a lot and wallow in your heartbreak" She said.

She knows me so well.

"Yes you're right, but I've decided to get over Josh and meet new people."

"I think that's a great idea" She said.

"Me too. I figured that maybe I'd be over Josh by the time I come home for Thanksgiving so it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Yeah maybe. Well we have to get going, be safe and please have fun, it's college, go a little crazy" She said smirking.

"Ok mom I'll try. I love you and I'll see you at Thanksgiving."

"I love you too. Don't forget to call me" She said.

"Don't worry I won't."

We finish hugging and I walked her to the car. I waved to them as they're backing out of the driveway and make my way inside.

Time to start my new life for the next 4 years.


The weeks went by really quick. It was weird being without my family for the first time in my life.

Living with Amy was fun. We're kinda like the same person so we like to do the same things.

I got a job right away as a waitress at the local diner, there's not many places that I can work that will except my hours since I'm a student.

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