10 ~ Training

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Spring had yet to release its claws from early mornings, leaving Maizie a yawning mess of trembles while she was measured and dressed in a light tunic and black pants. Pants of all things. She had never worn the leg-strainers before and certainly wasn't excited at the idea of continuing to put these on daily now.

Once dressed and boots laced- the brown leather so bulky she could barely bend her ankles- Maizie was led down castle corridors and out to a vast courtyard of blindingly white stone pathways. Decorating the arches along each walkway were blooming vines to provide some semblance of shade from the sun. Though she rued being awake so early, watching the sun's dance with vibrant greenery revived from winter's encumbrance aided in lifting her mood.

Nestled in between a crossroads, a small fountain of a Lumina with her wings folded poured water into a circular marble base. Moss and age had chipped and cracked the stone over time, but Maizie found the imperfections made her all the more appealing. This statue- this Lumina- had seen some long nights. And was still standing. Even if she was missing an arm.

Having already anticipated she was being led to the training barracks, Maizie turned left before the guard could motion their direction. Not that she would have needed assistance otherwise, the training grounds were large enough that all anyone had to do was look up to find the massive building located at its centerpoint.

Lush green dried out to dirt and wood chips, followed by various different training areas throughout the grounds. One ring held sets of soldiers practicing hand-to-hand combat in pairs while the other side held a ring of pairs in full armor battling with swords. Further down held flattened land with straw targets of which had certainty seen better days.

Not even the flowerbeds of lavender could cover the overpowering odor of the collective sweat.

Knowing the oncoming heat would wipe away any leftover cold from the spring, Maizie was silently grateful when they finally reached the center building of the training grounds. Two guards standing post at the doors bowed to their princess and moved to allow passage. Discomfort pulled her expression as the tight fabric around her legs rode up; it was an effort not to reach back and pull-

"Good luck, Princess," Her escort mumbled and stepped away, bounding back to the castle before she thought to respond.

If only she could have followed.

One foot in front of the other started her forward to a circular ring raised in the middle of the building. Used mostly for competitions in the winter when the snow piled too high, it would now be used for the princess' morning training.

Surrounding the ring were stations focused on specific areas for individual or on-on-one training. On one side of the building, rows of blades- dulled for training- hung on wood racks of all lengths. Secured on the other side were metal shields and bulky weapons Maizie knew immediately she could not wield. And hoped they wouldn't make her try.

Either way she knew today would be one full of embarrassment; if the crowd of nobles lining the area like hungry wolves hadn't made it obvious enough. Not all were here to criticize their princess, at least. She noticed Lady Lovitt's encouraging nod in particular and once more felt gratitude towards the noblewoman.

Maizie's training boots met the floor heavily with each step closer to the center of that ring she took. She stopped just before Vita's dais.

Wrapped in a tight cayenne garment, tip of her chin resting on pale fingers, the queen posed a perfect picture of boredom. Violet eyes barely registered Maizie's presence. Willing herself not to shy from that piercing gaze, she lifted her head to meet the queen.

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