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Chapter 29

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I didn't return from my patrol until after the sun had completely risen. As I approached the gate, I saw Nicky and Jess waiting on a bench beside the guard tower. Jess was wringing her hands together, not noticing me until Nicky nudged her with an elbow and nodded in my direction. Jess jumped to her feet as her face transformed with relief.

Nicky opened the gate for me. "Did you know your sister is a pretty big worry wart?"

"We thought you were in your room!" Jess blurted out. "Then Daniel said you hadn't returned and he'd crossed a recent scent trail in the forest during his morning run. But he didn't even go looking to see if you were alright!"

"He told her a few times that there wasn't anything within the borders capable of catching, let alone seriously harming, a Nightstalker at night." Nicky grinned at Jess, amused by her concern.

"And they wouldn't even let me use the radios to check on you!"

I loved my sister, but it was times like this she needed to take it down a notch or two. Or five.

"When I avoid people," I told Jess, "it's usually because I'm out of patience, and it's best not to bother me."

"But what if you were hurt? Or broke your leg or something?"

"If it was serious enough that I needed help, I had two radios with me," I replied firmly.

"That's what Luke said," Jess muttered, finally giving in.

Nicky shrugged. "Well, you're back now. The others should be heading for breakfast shortly, so we can join them, although we might have to peel Luke and Nina out of the lab. I think Luke spent most of the night down there."

"He did a ton of work," Jess said as we began walking. "And he doesn't even seem tired."

"That's Runner stamina for you," I said, "and speaking of Luke, there he is."

Daniel and Nina were with him, and they met us halfway to the dining hall.

"How are you doing?" Nina asked, somehow finding the one question Jess had failed to think of.

"My eyes have recovered, but I'm never doing that again."

"I'll never ask," Nina promised. "I'm very grateful for what you've already given me."

"You should have seen the archery game last night," Nicky said, changing the topic. "I managed to hit the bullseye five times in a row!"

Considering she'd never even hit the bullseye twice in a row, I didn't believe her wild exaggeration for a second. I didn't even need the lie in her scent to tell me the suspiciously round number was a tall tale.


"What? You don't believe me?" Nicky asked, pretending to be dismayed.

I gave her an ironic look. "Have you ever hit the bullseye five times in one night? Or twice in a row? That isn't accounting for my ability to smell lies."

She chuckled and shook her head. "You just had to bring logic into it, didn't you? The real story is far less exciting. Oh, and don't believe Ben if he tells you that I almost shot him."

"Why on earth did Ben come between you and your target?" I asked. Of all the people out there, he should have known better than that.

Nicky ducked her head. "Ummm... My arrow kind of ricocheted off the edge of the target and almost hit him four lanes away while he was collecting his own arrows."

That sounded like something that was only possible with my luck. A quick sniff told me this unlikely tale was actually the truth.

I shook my head. "Ben is going to be convinced you're out to get him, although there's no way he can claim you're skilled enough to make such a shot on purpose."

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