Chapter 20

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A few days later

Rose's P.O.V

It was evening time and I was in the park, sitting under a tree by the lake, my knees up to my chest, my arms placed above them and my head rested back against the tree while I stared at the water silently. There were very few people in here, so I decided to come here a while ago to calm my mind, as it was quite boring back at the mansion and my day at college didn't go well, either.

Some time passed as I just stared at the clear water, and suddenly, footsteps approaching me from behind reached my ears. I wouldn't bother to look up behind to see the source if the familiar voice hadn't spoken up.

"What are you doing here, alone, beauty?" I turned my head to look at Theo and Tyler standing there, watching me with love filled eyes.

"Nothing much." I replied and they both sat down on the grass on my either sides, too close to my liking, but I didn't say anything.

"We've been noticing you these past few days. First, you were absent for a while, then we get to hear from those twins that you were in the hospital because of some health issues, and then your brothers, known as the most dangerous guys in the college. We are really confused about what Elliot was saying that day during lunch. Is everything alright with you and your brothers?" Tyler said, his voice laced with concern.

I remained quiet for a moment, thinking over my upcoming words.

"Not really. Nothing is alright between us. Never was." I replied, not bothering to look at them, as I too mesmerised by the beauty of the lake.

"Can you tell us something about it? We want to get to know you and if possible, try to help you, since we're friends." Theo asked politely. I sighed softly and started speaking.

"My parents already had four sons when Diana, my mother declared that she was pregnant again. They had decided to keep the gender a surprise, which they really regretted after the ninth month.


"Robert, please stop! It hurts, please don't do this." Diana screamed, tears streaming down her face as Robert kept hitting her with a whip.

It had been five years since she had given birth to their fifth child, and Robert hadn't missed a day to hurt his wife ever since, for she had not allowed him to kill their only daughter.

"It's either I kill that disgrace of a girl, or I kill you, Diana. Why did you give me a girl? I had warned you to not ever give birth to a girl, but you still did! Everyone knows about her existence. Now what am I gonna do with her?!" Robert yelled in frustration as stopped hitting her and pulled his hair angrily.

"I didn't give birth to her on my own, it was because of both of us. Please, Robert, she's your only daughter, your crown, our mafia princess. Please don't hurt her, for God's sake. Your sons have started to hurt her, too. She doesn't deserve all this. She's just an innocent child." Diana begged her husband in a broken voice while grabbing his feet tightly.

"My daughter? She doesn't act like a girl. She dresses like a boy, wears boyish accessories, likes to play with boys, doesn't get along with girls. How can I accept such a daughter? She doesn't have any manners." He yelled again but all Diana could do was cry at his feet.

Robert took some deep breathes to calm himself and knelt down to her level, making her flinch and fall backwards on the floor. He caressed her tear stricken face and wiped the blood from her lips, looking dangerously in her eyes, making her bite back a sob.

"Listen carefully, Diana, I won't let her live in peace. She doesn't deserve to live happily in our family. So, you better prepare her to live a hell of a life." He told her in a dangerously low tone, before getting up to his feet and leaving the living room, completely ignoring the little girl, who had been standing by the doorframe the whole time, listening to her parents' conversation and watching her father hit his wife mercilessly, shedding tears silently at the amount of hate everyone except her mother had for her.

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