¤chapter three, part 1¤

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   Well now I'm getting the fuck out.

     It was another slow day at work at Carver's Plant Emporium. A few customers lingered here and there, just browsing. After locking up, I hurry back to the Myer's house (no longer referring to that place as my house, it was clearly his). Key in hand, I unlock the front door with shakey hands. I haven't been in the house for a week, since the altercation with The Shape. My neck was healing well, and I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Tobes and I had been staying at a grubby motel in town, but it was better than sleeping another night in the Myer's house.

     I peek my head into the dark house, looking both ways to make sure I'm alone. I had the moving truck waiting out front, all I had to do my pack back up and I'd be on my way to freedom. A small part of me knew this wouldn't work. He'd follow me, or kill me, or wouldn't let me leave. But the scared part of me just wanted to be safe again.

     I hurry in, arms full of not yet assembled packing boxes and duct tape. I decide to start upstairs in my room. I pack up my clothes, shoes, everything. Letting out a sigh of relief, I turn around and head to the van.

     After its loaded I sit in the driver's seat with my head in my hands, just taking in my situation. Toby meows, getting me out of my trance and allowing me to start our journey out of literal Hell.


     Toby gets jostled in place, startling and upsetting him as we blaze down the road and out of Haddonfield. Every bump we hit, I can hear my dishes rattle in the back of the moving van. Toby streches and resettles for the third time thus far, obviously annoyed with my driving by the tantrum he's throwing.

     He meows dramatically and sort of growls when I hit the bumps in the road, but at the speed I'm going the bumps cant really be avoided. We continue on, me anxiously gripping the wheel and Tobes narrowing his eyes at me and growling every so often.

sorry this ones so short, I have been distracted with school and just needed to get a chapter out lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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