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Draco glanced at Harry who laid underneath the tree in the Malfoy Manor backyard.
"So.." Harry looked at Draco "What do you and the dark lord do?" "What do you mean what do we do?" "When your alone. What do you do?" Harry smirked. "Why are you so interested? Just a couple days ago you could give two shits." Draco rolled his eyes. "Bellatrix just said something interesting to me." Harry turned onto his back. "And what's that?" "That you killed the guards in Azkaban." Harry licked his lips. "It's not as glamorous as she makes it out to be." "You killed 15 people, how could that be glamorous?" "I was hungry Malfoy." Harry sat up with a groan. "Just think of it as if you hadn't been able to eat for years than someone puts a feast in front of you." "People aren't feasts." Draco sighed. "It's a metaphor... plus it's not like I had any control over myself." Harry looked at Draco. "I don't remember half of the time I spent in Azkaban." "How? That's like saying you don't remember your childhood." "I wish I could forget my childhood... but it's really not like that. When my fangs first came in I was completely under Toms control, anything he wanted or thought I had a craving for." Harry sighed and laid back down. "When people say that when a vampire mates, it's an understatement. The submissive becomes a slave to their mate.. they'd do any and everything for the dominant... just think of it as a master and slave relationship... but the slave gets treats when they do something right." Harry smirked and Draco shuddered.
"... Have you two done anything?" Harry chuckled. "No, no nothing of what your thinking." "Than what do you mean treat?!" Harry licked his lips and Draco slumped against the tree. "Oh... that treat." Harry laughed.

"Harry." The two looked over to see Tom. Tom waved Harry over and he wobbly got up before walking toward Tom.
Draco watched as they talked and Harry swayed slightly.

"You'll be going back tomorrow." Harry pouted. "Don't look at me like that, you knew this already." "But I hate it there. I have to sit in a classroom and be around people who betrayed me." "Yes I know." "Than why do I have to go back?" "Harry we have talked about this, do not bring the issue up again." Harry puffed his cheeks. "Severus has told me that Horace Slughorn is your potions Professor." Harry nodded. "He's horrid if I'm being blunt." Harry shrugged. "Yes you have Severus as your potions Professor but that's not why I brought it up. I want you to get on Horaces good side." Harry tilted his head. "Your sounding like Dumbledore." Tom waved a hand. "I want you to build an actual relationship with him, he's my old Professor... and unlike Dumbledore I'm not using you for information." Harry huffed. "I know~. It's so annoying~." "The fact Dumbledores using you or my favor?" "Dumbledore asking me." Harry puffed his cheeks again. "It's as if he doesn't care what he did." Tom sighed. "Dumbledore is many things.. caring about you and your family isn't one of his priorities." "Well Grangers a muggle born." "And is intelligent." "Not from what I've seen." Tom shook his head. "Will you do me this favor?" Harry smiled. "If I can get something in return." "You can talk all the shit you want to me for a week." "I'm gone 5 of those days." "Exactly." "Tom~." Tom smirked. "Well.. if you do your part right than I'll think about it." Harry looked at him annoyed. "I hate you." "No you don't." "Oh yeah?! and how do you know that huh?!" Harry jumped to be as tall as Tom. "Because I have a straight link to that mind of yours." "That's bullshit, get out of my head." Tom smirked.
He lifted Harry's chin. "Don't be that way little vampire.. I'll give you what you want soon." Harry flushed. "And what do I want?" "Me." Tom walked away and Harry held a fist. "That's not true! Find yourself a new mate!"

Draco smirked. Harry flopped back onto the grass and groaned. "Your still going to do what he asked aren't you?" "Of course.. it hurts like hell if I try to disobey him." Draco raised a brow. "And how's that?" "My mark.." Harry sighed. "It's like his gate way to know every and anything I do... it's a pest." "Isn't the mark just his bite marks?" "No.. that's how he turned me.. the mating mark is an engraving on my neck that symbolizes him." "I bet it's a snake." "Oh aren't you smart?" "Don't get smart with me Potter." Harry smirked and laid on his folded arms.

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