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It was a peaceful day. Well it was for you, you loved the rain but the annoying demon beside you did not like it as much. It was also freezing, but your Elsa ass is immune to it and the thought of sewer water dropping from the sky. But your not that stupid so you don't stick out your tongue.


Y/N: * hits him in the back of his triangle head * language! Don't be an asshole! Now shut up I'm enjoying living for once since you came.

( He is in his dorito form right now )

Bill: BUT- YOU JUST- forget it -_-

Y/N: hide yourself.

Bill: can I?? ;)

Y/N: fine, go ahead.

Bill: * hides in Y/N's hair * your hair is very comfortable and soft* Lays on his back and uses the hair as a blanket *

Y/N: shut up, hey! How you Susan?

Susan: oh hello Y/N, you look great today, but aren't you cold?

Y/N: no, I'm fine but I'm here for two hot chocolates, One with candy bars and one normal please.

Susan: alright. * Starts to walk away but stops * wait a minute did you say two?

Y/N: yes?


Y/N: * slight blush * no just a guy friend.

Susan: sure if you say so.
* Walks away *

{ Time skip }

Y/N: so how's your hot chocolate?

Bill: it's good but you did you get chocolate in yours and not mine?

Y/N: because you will always be boring and get the basic kind, it's good but try and put a chocolate bar in it.

Bill: rude. But why is it so cold?! I'm freezing!

Y/N: you're the only demon I've met that has body heat. And it's not even that cold

Bill: that's easy for you to say! You in a hoodie! That has extra soft fluff on the inside!

Y/N: how do you know that?

Bill: Uhm- I might have stole it once or twice, ONLY because I don't have one.

Y/N: ugh set down your hot chocolate.

Bill: why?

Y/N: just do it -_-
And I'll set mine down to.

Both: * sets them down *

Bill: ok now what?

Y/N: come here and get into my hoodie.

Bill: but your wearing it-

Y/N: that's the point dumbass.

| Bill gets inside the hoodie |

Bill: so warm -w-

Y/N: I'll carry our drinks but you have to stay still

Bill: ok, as long as you still let drink my drink though.

Y/N: oh shut up -//n//-

{ They  waddled home almost falling every 3 steps. But when they made it they decided to watch some movies and  " bro-ly " cuddle but we all should know that there was homo. }

human bill cypher x Shapeshifting!male!reader ( one shots)Where stories live. Discover now