Chapter 28 | The Sleepover Part 3

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Recap: After deciding to stay at Dylan's house, Bella and the gang go shopping for snacks however, in order to make it more interesting, Tyler suggests a game of truth or dare which leads to unexpected places...

Chapter 28 | The Sleepover Part 3

"So let me get this straight, you decided to play truth or dare and as a comeback from bruising your ego you dared Bella to bump into an asshole expecting a show but instead you got annoyed with the guy for being extremely rude to her and punched him leading us to be in a holding cell. Did I get everything right?"

Tyler nodded and she pursed her lips. "I got nothing!" Ali exclaimed and slid against the wall until she sat cross-legged on the floor.

I sighed and leaned my forehead against the rusted steel bars of the holding cell the six of us were currently in. An arm wrapped around my shoulder and I looked up to see Tyler's sky blue eyes looking at my brown ones with concern. "Are you okay?" I gave a weak smile and put the hood up. "My dad's going to disintegrate me into dust. I'm dead. I'm never going to hear the end of this." I groaned again and followed Ali's action but tucked my legs in ignoring the small pain I felt and covered my face with my hands.

"What are you guys upset about? C'mon live a little besides it's not like we're going to jail. The asshat said he wouldn't press charges." Yes, that was Ethan. "Yea c'mon I mean Ali no sleepover we've ever had has equalled this level of excitement." "Yea but Tess my parents are going to kill me!" She groaned even louder and put her head on Dylan's shoulder.

"How are you guys not freaking out right now?" I voiced out but before they could answer an officer came. "Alright, you're free to go." He opened the door and we scurried out of the stuffy cell. He led us to the front where we saw Rosalie and Henry. I gulped when they glared at us.

I looked at the boys to see sombre, remorseful looks on their faces. "Hey mom," Dylan muttered sheepishly. She glared harder "don't hey mom me, get your butts outside and in that car and apologize to that man on your way out."I flinched at her harsh tone.

We passed the asshole and gave him a half-hearted apology before making our way outside. Once we reached their car we stood by idly since it was locked until chatter came closer.

"Great acting young men" Henry and Rosalie high-fived them and I blinked "wait, what? You're not mad?" I gawked

"Mad? Why would we be mad? After hearing what happened hell no!" Rosalie exclaimed "we just needed to look like responsible parents" Henry added. Ali shook her head baffled "i- but- what-?"

They laughed at our confusion and the boys smirked. "Told you guys it was okay." Ethan proudly smiled. Henry opened the door to the car and took out a box of pizza with a one-litre coke. "Picked this up on the way, enjoy your night out, please no more police stations, we will be asleep and won't get you till morning. Ethan, your mom said the same." He shrugged clearly, not as surprised as me and the girls were.

Rosalie and Henry drove away leaving us in the parking lot. "Wow, wanna switch parents?" Ali joked "nope, sorry" he replied. "What now?" Tessa asked, "let's go back to mine, we can chill on the roof." We nodded and walked over to Dylan's car which his parents had asked to be picked up and brought here.

"Bella? Is that you?" I turned and gasped before squealing "Oh my God, no freaking way Simon!!" I ran and hugged the officer who grunted due to the force of my hug. "What are you doing here?!" I squealed, barely containing my excitement "I got transferred down here, well it was here or North Carolina and I figured since you lot moved here I should come and join the party." He let out a chuckle at the end and I bit my lip in an attempt to calm myself. "Does Aunt Slo know you're here? When'd you get here?" I fired question after question.

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