🐻 What they do when you get chased by bear/s 🐻

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A/N: Hey, it's been a long time since I've updated, I'm so sorry for the long pause. I'm currently a senior high student and things haven't been easy for me. Anyways, here's a scenario about you getting chased by wild bears. Enjoy!

⚠️Warning: This chapter may contain violence. Read at your own risk. ⚠️

Disclaimer: Each of the chapters in my countryhumans book does NOT intend any harm or racism. If you get offended in some/most of my chapters, please note that my books don't relate to any of the countries stated, and you are free to leave this book anytime.


Third Reich🔫🍷

-He'll tell you to go behind his back
-He'll pull out a gun and shoot the sky in order to intimidate the bears
-If they still try to get near you, shoot a few meters beside the bears as a warning.
-He'll shoot the bears if necessary.
- At the end, he made sure you were okay and patched you up if ever you were injured.
-"Why were you being chased by bears?" He asked.
-"Because I was only trying to get to Wendy's through the forest, there's a forest closer to the Wendy's." You replied.
-"Who's Wendy?" He asked out of curiosity.
-"Wendy's nuts smack you in the face."
-Rip (Y/N). He never let you go outside after that, unless a guard is with you.


-This dude ain't needin no guns or any weapons at all, he uses his muscles.
-He literally wrestles the bear/s, or he does hand to hand combat.
-"You stupid bear, that's my soon-to-be wife you're chasing. Come at me, suka blyat." He pulled his sleeves up.
-He wraps his arms around the bear's stomach, as if he's hugging it from behind.
-The bear: uwu👉👈 *heart pitter-patters*
-He proceeds to lift up the bear and did a backdrop, slamming the bear from the ground behind him.
-You watched in amusement as the bear passed out unconscious.
-After that, the Soviet punished you for being reckless and getting chased by a bear like that.
-He threatened you that if ever you go out without his permission again, he'll punish you and you'll never be able to walk for weeks after that punishment.


-This man is icon. A literal icon.
-You tend to get chased by a specific bear because this bear sees you as a scrumptious snacc (True doe).
-You know what Britain do when u get chased by a bear?
-He literally would pour his hot tea on the bear.
-Yes, you heard me. Instead of grabbing a weapon, he chose his tea as his weapon.
-He never want to waste tea but it's worth to waste it rather than to just watch the bear maul your face off.
-"Come at me you bloody bear!" He nears at the bear.
-He's holding a kettle fkrjfjfj 💀
-When he poured hot tea on the bear, the bear never returned. Yay to tea man!
-Brit hugged you to death then smacked your cheek for being reckless.
-Oh boy you got a handful of scolding after that. Though, he gave you lots of cuddles.
-Great, now he's overprotective.


-LMAO do u wanna know what this guy did? 😭
-This boi don't like bears at all, if he sees one, he runs for his life.
-As you run to America, a bear is chasing you from behind, America screeched like a little girl
-Though he did put you behind his back in a protective manner.
-'Ahh shit, this bear is bouta maul our faces off!! Wtf do I do?!' He thought.
-He looked around him and only spotted the paper bag he's holding.
-He hesitated for a bit before throwing the paper bag harshly on the bear's face.
-The bear stumbled back. It growled but immediately stopped when he sniffed the paper bag.
-The bear rip the paper bag open and to your surprise, it was America's McDonald's.
-America frowned as the bear ate his supposedly favourite meal, though he proceeded to grab your hand and run away.
-When you both are out of sight of the bear, you sighed in relief
-America slumped his shoulders and sat down at a nearby bench, sighing sadly. You took notice of this and frowned.
-You walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for saving me back there. You're awesome, Meri." You smiled at him.
-His face heated up severely, but he acted cool, pushing his eyeglasses up and muttered an embarrassed "You're welcome."
-You treated America to McDonald's after that, in other words, it was a date.
-He was holding your hand the whole time.


-Lol he a drunk boi- okay I'll stop with that fjdnfb.
-He played rock paper scissors with the bear, whoever loses gets to be slapped on the face.
-"Rock, paper, scissors"
-You watched Russia get smacked for the 129th time. He groaned in annoyance and muttered curses under his breath.
-"Rock, paper, scissors. AHA" For the first time, Russ finally got his win.
-Russia grabbed his vodka bottle and smack tf out of the bear in the face with his vodka bottle, knocking out the bear.
-"Suck it, suka blyat!!" He flipped off the passed out bear.
-He does his squat kick dancy dance then skipped to you, lifting you on his shoulder and took you both home.
-You gave him a reward for saving your life, use your imagination for the reward.


-He used the power of God and anime.
-"I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE. *Demonic cat screeches*." Proceeds to swing his katana at the bear in an animatic motion.
-Bear: "Bitçh, I'm out."
-The bear ran away.
-"(Y/N)-chan! Are you okay?" The boi rush up to you.
-You nodded at him and thanked him for saving your life.
-Japan hugged you and told you that if anyone else wants to murder you, tell him about it immediately.
-He said he'd be happy to protect you, just say the word.
-"After all, you're my senpai. I'll make sure everyone who bothers you like that would be dead, even if I have to use the power of God and anime." Japan menacingly whispered in your ear as his grip around your body tightens.
-Yandere boi activated.


-He literally murdered the bear that was chasing you. He ain't taking a chance of you getting mauled to death.
-When you left the scene of him murdering a bear with a broken wine bottle, he literally carried the dead bear inside his home with ease.
-As you rest in your room after that bear chase, a pleasant aroma tickled your nose.
-You followed the fresh aroma and went downstairs to see France taking a freshly baked cinnamon out of the oven.
-Your mouth drooled, making France chuckle at your reaction.
-"Go ahead, dear. Try one." France said, offering one to you.
-"Careful, it's hot." He warned, you nodded.
-You took one and ate it, humming in delight at the tasty treat in your mouth.
-"Mmm, France, these taste delightful! What is it made of?"
-"Bear organs."

Germany 🇩🇪🍺

-Ayyo don't disturb the workaholic man, you don't want to die, do you?
-It seems that a bear must've broke into your house and you were scared shitless so you ran up to Germany's office and immediately hid under his desk.
-Germany was confused at this and asked what was the problem.
-You told him about the problem and he sighed in annoyance, no he's not annoyed at you, he's annoyed at the bear. This bear keeps breaking into your house for the tenth time.
-He walked up to the direction to where the bear broke in. He saw the bear digging in the fridge.
-He tapped the bear on the shoulder.
-The bear looked up from the fridge then screamed at Germany's face.
-This popped a nerve at Germany's forehead.
-He pushed his glasses up and slapped the bear harshly across it's face.
-"Du beschißener bär! Get the hell out of my house! NOW! Don't make me use my pen on you!!" He threatened.
-The bear whimpered in fear and ran away.
-You happily skipped and hugged Germany in victory. Germany smiled and chuckled at this, he patted your head.
-Guilt then overcome you, you apologized to him for disturbing him from his work.
-"It's okay, liebe. You're safe now, aren't you? What matters is that you're safe now." He kisses your forehead.

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