Is that even possible?!

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" Princess, i'm like Ouriana, i don't know how to tell you this but we aren't who you think we are. Me and her are from a place called Japan but it's different. The book you're reading is the book that the person who is controlling Ourania wrote."  Haruka starts sobbing because she can't hold it in anymore. " I have something to... This isn't my first life. I was executed by Ourania.."  Kore's face drops. She grips on to Harukas shoulders and starts tearing up. " Wh-what the hell do you mean.. I'm going to need you to tell me what you just said and explain it from the beginning to end."  Kore and Haruka both share their stories. A lot of emotions happened that night, but this all ended as they soon fell asleep and woke up to the next day.
Kore wakes up earlier than Haruka. " Princess, wake up please."  Haruka slowly wakes up from her slumber and gets up from her bed. " What should we do today?"  Haruka asked as she got up to get her clothes. " I was thinking that you should take the test into the academy."  Haruka looks at her like she is an idiot. " What? You didn't test your magic in the book and now you have double the knowledge."  They both get dressed and head out the door and head for the academy sign up. They call a carriage to head to the destination. They wait for the carriage for 35 minutes until it finally arrives.

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