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  "I'm supposed to stay until the tray is in the cell ma'am." I cross my arms over my chest with a small huff.
        "Fury's orders?" I ask. The agent nods sheepishly, and I sigh. After I had gotten back into the cell room, I had ended up falling asleep for almost another entire day. To say my back hurt after sleeping on that cot for so long was an understatement. When I had woken up though, I had felt worlds better, most of my energy having come back to me.
        I mean, I still felt a little dizzy every time I stood up, or really did anything too quickly. I probably shouldn't use any of my powers either, but with the smug smirk that had been on Loki's face since I had punched him, I felt like that would be unavoidable.
        "Do me a favor and tell Fury where he can stick his orders." I mutter. The agent laughs nervously. "Don't laugh. I'm being serious."  The smile slides off his face. I hear a low chuckle behind me, and I whirl around, glaring. "Oh shut it-"
        "Yep. I dare tell you to shut up. You started this." I turn back to the agent, who is looking at me with wide eyes and an expression that is screaming 'what the hell are you doing he's a psychopath.'  I look at him and shrug. "I'll be taking this." I murmur, grabbing the tray from the agent. I open the cell the normal crack that is wide enough to slide the tray in.
        I start to slide the tray in, and Loki stands, walking  over in two quick strides before bending over. I straighten, making him fly against the back wall. I hear his head hit the back wall with a loud smack, and for a split second I feel bad. Then I remember what he did, and wonder if I should do worse. He narrows his eyes at me, rubbing the back of his head. "I was reaching for the food."
        "I don't care honey." I say with a sweet smile. I push the button to close the door before turning back to the agent. "Are you allowed to leave now?" I ask.
        The agent, and I couldn't believe it, had to think about it. Either that, or he was listening for orders through his earpiece. Both options were equally as frustrating. "Have a nice day ma'am." He says with a small nod of his head. Right as the door opens to let him out of the cell room, I remind him.
        "Don't forget to tell Fury where he can stick it!" I laugh when the agent very clearly speeds up, almost jogging out. Sometimes I felt bad doing that to the newbies. Today, not so much.
        I make my way back to my desk, snatching the sandwich off my own tray before taking a bite. As normal, Loki got what he normally got to eat, and I got the nice food. Once again, I didn't feel that bad. "You seem to be recovering quite nicely." I look  towards Loki, who is very calmly reaching down to his food.
        "I wouldn't have to recover if you hadn't pulled that little stunt. What did that accomplish by the way?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.  He sends me a devilish grin. "Wait, let me guess." He motions for me to go on after a second. "You found out you could get a girl on her back, and all you had to do was make her have multiple seizures?"
        I'm surprised when a slightly amused look flashes across his face. "I found out that energy could be forced into you." He replies. I roll my eyes.
        "Except my body still rejected it. Hence the seizures." I shoot back, propping my feet up on the desk. "There goes whatever little plan you were forming in your diabolical little mind."
        "Diabolical?" I raise an eyebrow at his questioning tone.
        "Am I wrong, or are you not trying to take over the world?" He doesn't reply. "Case and point."
        "You can't lie to the god of lies, love."
        "Love?" I ask, taken aback. "Is this because of the whole honey thing? Because honey, I call everyone honey. You aren't anything special."
        "Your body didn't reject my energy."
        "When you say it like that it sounds wrong." I reply. He just stares at me, waiting for me to stop avoiding the point. "My body did reject it."
        "No it didn't." He  replies. "You can't lie to me." I stare at him, my poker face dominating my features. The truth was.... I had no clue. I had absolutely no idea if my body had accepted it or not. My body had never reacted to anyone like that. My powers have never caused me to feel so completely drained.
        And Loki was calling my bluff.
        "Yes." I lean forward. "Yes it did." There's a long moment of silence, and the two of us wait, watching, studying each other. Waiting for the other to break.
        "Prove. It." I raise an eyebrow, surprised by his bluntness.
        "And  how exactly do I do that?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. "Wiggle my fingers and see if any of your pretty green magic comes out? Chant some weird incantation?" He chuckles, surprising me again. He slowly holds up a hand.
        "Touch me."
        "Excuse me?"
        "As far as I've seen, every time you touch someone whose... energy you've rejected, you have to reject it again. Am I wrong?" He asks. "And every time you reject an energy, you create that mist. Therefore, if you truly rejected the energy, you'll have to reject it again." I narrow my eyes at him.
        "If you honestly think I'm going to let you lay a hand on me again after what just happened, you're even more insane than I thought." I scoff. "It's not happening honey." There's another long moment where he simply studies me, waiting for something.
        "You're afraid." He states after a moment.
        "Once again, excuse me?"
        "After what I did, you're afraid to come near me. It does explain your reaction. Throwing me across the room like that. Quite rude." Loki is toying with me. trying to get a rise out of me.
        "Well, for one thing, I'm not afraid. For another, I did that because you made me have seizures, and yes, I'm going to be a little cautious." I smile at him. "I have no reason to be afraid of you. I could take you down in seconds. Easily." I shake my head. "Believe it or not, I'm not that gullible Loki. You can't  say a few pretty words and make me want to walk into that cell. I know what you're doing." I look towards my computer as an email notification pops up.  Probably from Fury. I wonder if that agent actually  told him where  to stick it.
        "You aren't as stupid as I first assumed." I look over at Loki, raising an eyebrow.

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