Chapter 64

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I looked over at Stacey and she clearly had no idea of who it can be at the midnight. Maybe some friends? But I don't have many friends here. Maybe Sasha?

Not to my surprise, it was Sasha. She hugged me as soon as I opened the door to lead me to dement for a start till I hugged her back. I introduced her to Stacey and vice-versa.

She handed me some paperbags yelling, "happy birthday", constantly giggling. "Aww.. you don't have to!" She leaned in closer, "the brown one is from for your boyfriend, he literally ate my head to reach on time" she whispered into my ear. Her warm breath hitting my ear had this little ticklish feeling but she was absolutely able to make me blush at her words, and I knew it.

Sasha went on, going to Stacey praising the little cake she had prepared for me. I was quick to slip out of their sight, eagerness creeping over me like a hungry monster, controlling my movements. I just hope it's not something expensive, or I would have to return it, when he would seriously hate it. Tearing out the gift wrap like a baby, I finally held the box and opened it.

 Tearing out the gift wrap like a baby, I finally held the box and opened it

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It was all things, one needs for a proper sleep. Essential oils, lavender pillow and a bath bomb. I never knew my emotions were so frozen until he melted it making me feel - loved.

Never did I think I'd be in a relationship like the one I'm in now. Everyday he reminds me of my worth and supports me on my bad mental health days instead of making me feel guilty for it. Honestly, you will never be too much for someone who can't get enough of you.

I picked up the little pillow, inhaling its flowery scent, it reminded me of him asking which is silent in scent, the 'c' or the 's', and I giggled unknowingly, loving the way I was feeling, like my stomach just took a flip.

A little letter was placed under the pillow, I opened it gently, with no aggression.

"So.. Um.. I know this is no way starting a letter but you're just so cute.

I mean like just not your looks are cute
but your personality too. The things you say are cute. Your voice is so cute. Your smile is so cute. How you talk to me is so cute. I like talking to you. I really really like it. I like how I can call you in the middle of the night and talk till one of us falls asleep. Even though you can be really weird sometimes I still
like that. I like you and just you.

You make the small moments special. Life's not always going to be full of heart-throbbing thrills and non-stop adventure, but when it slows down, I'll know I can sit with you, speak with you, or hold you in these hands, and still feel like I'm going 1000 miles an hour.

You have this extraordinary energy about you that consumes and calms me all at once. And the way you dismantle my defences and challenge me at every turn helps me to become a stronger and more passionate person. I feel capable of anything around you
- you bring out my best self.

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