Part 7: The Newcomer...

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(2 months later)



Blood red flames surrounded an area somewhere in Pentagram City, I had just finished dealing with an other gang that tried to kidnap another employee of ours. 

Y/N: *sigh* How annoying, I've had to use so much of my power over these two months... feels great, only is I weren't to smell their disgusting corpses when they slowly burn... blood smells terrible...

I floated towards the open area in Pentagram City, once I reached, everybody present in the area froze, they all looked at me wide-eyed.

They were quite cautious around me... well its understandable... after all, I had managed to destroy and burn down a total of 53 gangs here in Pentagram City.

I then floated upwards and flew away, not wanting to get anymore stares.

I phased through the entrance of my house, Stitch jumped onto my shoulder, and we decided to watch T.V.

i sat down and turned the T.V on.

Katie Killjoy: Hello I'm your host Katie Killjoy, reporting after yet another gang that has been destroyed about 3 hours ago. It seems this has been the work of none other that the uprising demon, Infinite! It seems like we can all agree that he is the newest Overlord! and the youngest too! We have just received some news that the citizens in Pentagram City have started calling him, The Reality Demon, please be  mindful of doing bad things around the café near the western side of Pentagram City. What new things can we expect from this Overlord? Mass destruction? Or perhaps a simple life? Who Knows! But! This morning we have requested the one and only Infinite for an interview here in 666 news! And he accepted! Stay tuned for more news!

Y/N: So I'm finally an Overlord huh? Now about that interview... What should I do... I accepted on a whim because I was tired... What should I do

Just then, the entrance door opened, revealing The Radio Demon himself. His face showed pure excitement.

Alastor: Have you heard the news?! You're finally an Overlord! My, this is wonderful! How will you use this new title hm?

Y/N: I'll just continue with my daily life, something's bound to happen with this new  Overlord title, so ill just wait till it happens.

He nodded and teleported away. I then suddenly had a thought in mind...

Y/N: 'Wait... up till now I've only met Alastor... I wonder what the other Overlords are like.'

I'll find out some other time... now I gotta find something to do... I'm bored.

I left my house with Stitch on my shoulder and reality warped to the grocery store. 

I walked in and grabbed a basket, then I began picking up a few things left and right. but then, i suddenly felt a bump behind me... I turned around, and saw a girl with white skin, rosy cheeks, a red tuxedo, and long blond hair. her groceries were sprawled out all over the floor. 

???: Oh hi, sorry about that. 

She was sitting on the floor? Wait no, I probably bumped into her just now , I gotta apologize, because of me her groceries are a mess. 

Y/N: Sorry about that. Here let me help. 

The Reality Demon (Male abused Infinite Reader x Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now