Chapter 1

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Kisses on his skin. The suckled nipples ache. Traces of kiss on his skin.

He wanted to shout out in bliss but he was only able to call a single word, "Rose"

Immediately, a force covered his mouth.

He thought she's not gonna come again but here she is. He gave a drowsy smile.

He felt something invaded his behind.

He yelped in pain but some sweet whispers ended up relaxing him, soon the pain turned into pleasure and somehow he fell asleep while muttering some incoherent words


' Damn it'Hayden cursed. He'll never drink again in his life. He rubbed his temple.

And he felt something throbbing against his behind...

Maybe he's still dreaming but the bed felt harder than his bed, he thought.

He then opened his eyes and found himself in a strange room.

Maybe this is where he walked into after getting drunk last night,he thought and tried to get up when he felt pain in his lower body he yelped and rolled backward and fell into arms

'Someone is on the bed.Pain in my lower half.. Don't tell me.. He panicked then turned his head...

And his eyes met a blue eyes. 'Beautiful' he thought and "S**t" he cursed, "Who are you? And what the hell are you doing here?".

The guy gave him a smirk and continued to look at him nonchalantly

He looked down and he saw a naked body.He spranged up and yelped in pain again..The pain forcing him to lie down again "Did we???"

"You've forgotten?"The guy asked in a chilling voice

He felt his mouth turned dry as shivers run through his spine with the way the guy was talking to him coldly but his boiling anger isn't allowing any gentleness, "You bastard. How dare you violate a straight man?"

"A straight man?" The guy asked with a scoff, "When you were rubbing against me in the club last night,you didn't think so.When you asked me to kiss you..When you.." Hayden covered the stranger mouth with his hand

 He turned his head to the other side and cursed himself inwardly... How can he act so shameless while drunk but still he wanted to win against him once so he turned his head to the man again, "You could have just stopped me or throw me away!"he said angrily

"You fucking cling on to my neck and kissed my neck" he said and move closer while Hayden shifted backwards. "no one was able to carry u away from were throwing tantrums and licking my neck.I'm an active guy and.."

Hayden found himself at the edge of the bed any movement and he'll fall to the ground.He can't risk his ass.

Hayden felt stupid and shameless after hearing all he has done. He cursed alcohol and himself multiple times before promising not to take one in the future.

Hayden cleared his throat and spoke up even though his body was shivering, "Let's forget it!" He said and acted nonchalant even though he's crying inwardly. He just lost his first time to a guy! To a guy!

The man frown increases and Hayden swears that the temperature in the room increases multiple times. "You want to run away from me?" He asked and before Hayden could reply. Hayden suddenly found himself under the man.

"I'm just..." Hayden wasn't able to finish his words before he was kissed by the man.

 The man used his left hand to pinned Hayden's hand on top of his head effortlessly.

Hayden tried to block the man's tongue by pressing his lips against each other but the man bit Hayden's bottom lips making Hayden yelped in pain.

The man used that chance to clean all the taste of strawberry in Hayden's mouth while his right hand stroke Hayden's body

 When Hayden is starting to go short of breath was he released by the man assault.He breathed in and out rapidly and thank God for the chance to live again

"You can't run away from me.. You are mine" He growled into Hayden's neck. Hayden felt shiver run through his spine after hearing the stranger's words. His breath hitched as the man licked his earlobe and kissed his neck

The man gave a low curse word and rolled off Hayden's shivering body, "I'll spare you because you're in pain today. You won't be as lucky next time" he said and get off the bed.

"Remember my name is Zenos. I don't want to hear you screaming Rose next time." Zenos said and walked into the bathroom

I turned gay after a drunken night(BL)Where stories live. Discover now