14| Run

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Chapter 14: Run (Ronan's POV)

I turned in my seat, watching her as she quickly marched off to the bathrooms, the door closing behind her. I let out a low breath, running a hand through my hair in frustration while facing the table again. I turned to Damon and found him already staring at me. 

"What in the name of hell are you still doing here?" he asked me blankly. 

"What do you mean?" I replied. 

"Go after her, you moron," he said through gritted teeth. 

"She's in the girls' bathroom, don't you know what that means?" Verena chuckled dryly. She and Damon are friends, from what he explained on our way here. Sort of. It's a love-hate, bittersweet relationship. Sometimes they get along, sometimes they don't, but they're just friends as far as I know. 

"Do you have a problem?" Damon asked her bluntly, resting his arms on the table. 

"Do you?" she retorted. "You're trying to get them together again. The whole damn town is. I just think it should be their decision." 

"How are you so blind? They do want to get back together, can't you see it? But they're both too far in their own heads to get over the past." He turned to me again. "You need to get over yourself and apologize to her. And she needs to get over her anger and forgive you, or if not, then at least accept your apology. Go," he nodded. 

I glanced at Verena. 

She shrugged. "I don't know if she'll get mad or not." 

"She probably will, but it can't be much worse, she's already mad at you," Damon said. "And both you and I have known her for years, come on," he hit my arm, "you know her best." 

"People will talk though," Verena warned. 

"You, shut up," Damon sighed at her. "You're so pessimistic," he scoffed. 

"You're so pessimistic," she mocked, scrunching up her nose and rolling her eyes. 

I stood up, leaving them to their bickering, and quickly made my way to the bathroom, praying there was no other woman in there. I stalled outside for a second but nobody else came out so I pushed the door open and walked in, not bothering to check if anybody saw me. 

She was standing at the sink, her hands on the marble counter while she sighed in frustration, dragging a hand down her face. She looked my way when the door closed behind me and straightened up. "Unbelievable. You're not supposed to be in here, Ronan," she scoffed. 

"Yeah, well, I don't actually care," I shrugged, locking the main door behind me. 

She moved away from the sink and leaned against the wall, her arms folded across her chest. "What do you want from me?" she asked. "Why is it so damn difficult for you to just leave me alone?" 

"Because I was in love with you." 

She faltered momentarily before looking away from me. "You were. In the past, Ronan. And then you left for four whole years." 

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