43. Countermeasure

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A/N: Am I too early? Surprise! ^_^

Devon alighted from his vehicle. He's never late when it comes to work. He strode forward at the Zimmer Company's main entrance but the guards blocked his way.

"What's the meaning of this?" He questioned the personnel with an authoritative voice.

"Give your self a break. You earned it." A mocking voice spoke up. Jake also alighted from his vehicle. He handed to Devon a copy of the board resolution.

Devon's hands were shaking when he finished reading the document. He was ousted from the presidency. He looked sternly at Jake who just fixed his coat and marched towards the main entrance. All the employees warmly greeted the newly arrived man.

Devon crumpled the paper and still rode his car elegantly. No one knows how greatly devastated he is right now. He wasn't the president of the Zimmer Company anymore.

'Not anymore.'

He gripped the steering wheel. He thought the Zimmer Company will be his saving grace. He shut his eyes off and thought about many things.

First, the Yushkova Tradings' stocks value had already declined. Second, the shareholders were requesting for a new leadership. His father, Euro, was dispirited by the news. The old man's hardworks and persistence at the early stages of the company had fully grown but will be snatch away just like that.

Devon then decided to drove to Yushkova Tradings and called for a family meeting.

"Son, you're here." Euro greeted as the young man opened the door of the President's office. His wife is also their together with the company's lawyer.

The family weighed in the options about the future of their business.

"There are two things at the table. One, if the company will continue to be like this, the business will turned to dust. Second, if a new management will arise, it might salvage the business." The lawyer informed them directly. Euro's fists clenched at the hard facts.

"Fortunately for us, there's one company who's willing to take a big risk in buying most of the company's shares beyond the market value and wasn't concerned if we will replaced or not the President and the management." The lawyer glanced at Devon.

"What's in it for them?" Devon was puzzled.

"The only thing they want is to buy along the controlling interest." The lawyer stated frankly.

The men in the room creased their brows.

"Is it a bad thing?" Victoria spoke while fiddling her fingers on her lap.

"Undetermined. If they're not greedy, they will really not interfere with how things work in here and vice versa. But the fact still remains that the longer this whole thing stretch, the more the company will suffer. No other investors was willing to take such exposure to bankruptcy except that one company."

The room became silent. The bitter truth was presented before their eyes.

"We'll take it." Devon declared as he gripped his knees. He hates it but the offer can save the company's face and the family's legacy.

"We will sell our shares."


Natalia visited her husband at the Zion Group of Companies. The employees eagerly welcomed her and a security personnel escorted her to the top floor. She smiled and expressed her gratitude to all of them.

She halted in front of her husband's office and contemplated if she will barge in or wait for Sergei. She turned around to peek at the assistant's door but the man wasn't in his office. She sighed and punched in the passcode to Alexander's room.

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