Chapter 55 - Shiny Happy People

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- Clay -

With the meal out of the way, the server returned to the table with our chocolate lava cake. "Care to do the honors?" I pushed the tiny pitcher of boiling chocolate toward Emmett.

Emmett grinned, picking up the pitcher by the handle, so small he couldn't even get his whole index finger through it. He poured the sauce over the cake, making the center collapse.

Dinner went great, except for the early hiccup of Emmett trying to order a salad as his entrée.

"He will not be having the salad," I told the waiter. Then I turned to glare at Emmett. "You don't even like salad."

"I'm trying to be healthy," Emmett said, giving a halfhearted shrug.

I snorted in disbelief. "Since when?"

Emmett was by no means unhealthy, but I had yet to see him eat a piece of lettuce that wasn't on top of a hamburger. If I genuinely believed he wanted it, I wouldn't have said a word. I would buy him ten if he asked. But his earlier comment about the price of the steaks had me on high alert. He was sacrificing his satisfaction for my well-being. And he was lying about it. Which we promised we'd never do again.

"Tuesday," Emmett said, not missing a beat.

"I don't believe you."

"I can't help it if you don't accept my lifestyle choices." Emmett flipped his hand nonchalantly. The waiter, however, shifted his weight uncomfortably, staring at his little pad.

I raised my brows. I couldn't believe he was doubling down. "Your lifestyle choice of being a lying bitch?"

Emmett puckered his lips, refusing to meet my eyes, unfazed by the name-calling. The waiter cleared his throat, probably to remind us of his presence.

"Fine." I turned to the server. "Then I'll take a second steak dinner for myself." I glanced at Emmett. "I'm thinking medium for that one."

Emmett sighed, his shoulders slumping, giving up on his unnecessary effort. "Medium-well. But can you do those little crispy potatoes instead of the baked potato?"

The waiter jotted it down on his pad, nodding. "Sure."

"Oh, and nix the salad." Emmett drew a line with his finger across his throat.

"Of course." The waiter flipped his pad closed and set off. I'd bet he was about to tell the kitchen staff about the crazy bickering gay couple.

Emmett finally looked at me, offering a reluctant grin. "I really love you, you know."

Those words gave me tingles every time. "I had a hunch."

"Sorry I lied."

"Sorry I called you a bitch."

Emmett flashed an incredulous smirk. "We both know it's true."

Watching Emmett dig into the cake now, I smiled. This date was worth every penny to make him happy.

Emmett cut a piece of cake with his fork and held it across the table. "You need to eat some of this before I inhale it all."

I leaned forward and ate the bite off his fork. My eyelids fluttered as my hand flew to my mouth. I moaned in the back of my throat. "Oh, God! That's better than sex." I joked.

"You only think that because you haven't had sex with me, yet." Emmett mumbled through a bite of cake, totally casual about it.

Heat blossomed across my face at the thought. I was glad of the dim lighting, although Emmett was too focused on the cake to notice my flushed cheeks.

After finishing dessert, I paid the check, making sure Emmett couldn't see it, though he tried. He also offered to split the bill, but I denied the request. "I asked you out. I'm not letting you pay."

"How very heteronormative of you." Emmett dragged his finger through a puddle of chocolate sauce on the plate and licked it off.

"Don't. This isn't a gay/straight thing. It's a politeness thing." I folded my arms on the table and tilted my head, glaring at him. "If you want to pay, you can ask me out next time."

"Ha!" Emmett shook his head. "If I'm paying, we're definitely ending up at a drive-thru. I'm broke as hell."

I laughed, removing the cloth napkin from my lap, dropping it on the table. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." Emmett scooted to the edge, waiting until I got up to stand.

Feeling emboldened, I clutched Emmett's hand as we walked out of the restaurant. It made my skin prickle with excitement to freely show my true feelings. I loved this boy more than anyone in the world. I just wanted to scream it out for everyone to hear. I wished I could be this brave all the time. For Emmett's sake, and for my own.

Emmett glanced over with a huge, toothy grin.

At the car, when I opened his door, Emmett brushed his hand over my shoulder. "Would you be okay if I kissed you right now?"

I bit my lip, nodding my head. Emmett clutched my lapel, drawing me in for a brief kiss.

"Tonight was awesome, Clay," Emmett said, once we were both sitting in the car. "Easily the best date I've ever had."

"You mean a lot to me, Em." I laid my hand on his thigh, giving it a squeeze. "Not just because I love you, though I do, immensely. But also because you helped me understand myself better. Before you, I never thought I'd find someone to feel this way about. I wasn't even sure that I could feel these things. I just want you to know that."

"Okay." Emmett waved his hand at his face. "You need to stop right now before I cry."

"Aw, baby." I lifted my hand to his neck, stroking his jawline with my thumb. "Come here."

It started as a hug, then Emmett pulled back to look at me, his lips slightly parted. His gorgeous green eyes, glowing in the dashboard lights, locked onto mine. Then we kissed.

I couldn't imagine a better ending to a perfect night.

But it seemed Emmett had other ideas. "Do you have a fake ID?" he asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I want to take you somewhere." Emmett typed something into his phone, then it started announcing directions.

I shrugged and did as I was told. I was happy to spend more time with him. Though I wondered why a fake ID was necessary.

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