thirty - last chapter

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excuse mistakes
if y'all get my book "Lyfe" to 2k votes and this chapter to 200 votes, I'll do a book two 🤣

five years later....

"Sahara this is the third phone call this week. What's really your problem?" Dior asked, as Sahara got in the car from school.

Sahara's eyes watered already knowing she was in big trouble. "I-I talked back." Sahara said through he cries.

Sahara was now eleven and in the fourth grade. Sevyn was now six in the first grade. Both girls had different personalities but shared the same bad attitudes.

"Imma just let your daddy handle it." Dior simply said, turning the radio up over Sahara's sobs. She drove to the first grade car pool line to pick up Sevyn.

Sevyn loved school. She never got bad reports like Sahara. Sevyn was just really bossy. She spoke her mind, without thinking about anybody's feelings. However Paige talked to Sevyn about respect so Sevyn knew to respect her teachers.

"Nanny! Can we call my mommy?" Sevyn asked immediately when she got in the car. Dior chuckled at Sevyn's excitement but quickly frowned at her hair.

"I don't know if she'll answer but we can try." Dior nodded, pulling off to their house. Paige was currently in basic training, but she only had one week left so she would be home soon. Well that's what Sevyn thought.

Paige would be reserved in the Air Force. After she was done with basic training, she would go to college for free to her a degree in nursing or pre-law. She hesitated really bad on leaving Sevyn, but she had to think about the lifestyle she wanted for herself and her daughter. Being that she was gone for eight weeks already she decided she was just gonna go to a community college so she could be closer to Sevyn.

"Why you crying?" Sevyn asked Sahara, as Sahara continuously wiped her face.

"She in trouble." Dior answered, already knowing that Sahara wasn't going to. Sahara had a bad habit of talking back and throwing tantrums when she didn't get her way. She was very spoiled and Dior didn't like it. Ja'Kye was the reason behind it all. He always fell into Sahara's hands.

"Was you crying when you did it?" Sevyn asked, with a straight face.

"Leave me alone!" Sahara replied with the meanest mug.

Sevyn rolled her eyes and looked out the window. "When is my mommy coming home?" She asked. Sevyn cried for a week straight when Paige left. She still had her days too. Sevyn was attached at the hip to Paige. When Paige sent her first letter, Sevyn was excited. She was so excited she went to school bragging about it. That's when Dior taught Sevyn how to write a letter back.

Everytime Sevyn sent a letter, she would always put her hand in paint and put it on the envelope.

"She's coming home soon stink." Dior smiled, trying to keep up the story.

Dior pulled into the driveway and helped both girls out of the car. Sahara walked in the house slowly, already knowing she was in major trouble.

"Nanny, can we try to call her now?" Sevyn asked, hanging her bookbag up in the mud room.

"Yea, but first go to your room and get your macbook so we can work on your math." Dior said. In reality she just wanted Sevyn to see the suprise in her room.

Sevyn quickly ran up the stairs with Dior and Ja'Kye behind her recording. Paige was hiding in Sevyn's bathroom waiting for her to come in.

As soon as Sevyn entered the room, Paige exited the bathroom with her uniform on. Sevyn didn't see her at first being that her back was towards her.

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