finale - clato

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requested by mynameisjudy
feel free to request oneshots in the comments or through my conversations tab :)

This chapter uses dialogue quoted directly from "The Hunger Games," written by Suzanne Collins. All rights go to her.

Cato's POV


Six tributes remaining.

It felt as if time was flying by in a whirlwind of violence and insanity; mostly stemming from my own sword.

But the show must go on, and blood must be shed.

No one had died within the past few hours. The cannons remained silent, the hovercrafts absent from the artificial sky. There was no doubt that the audience was getting bored, tired of the lack of annual entertainment they'd been promised.

"It's only us two. The other Careers are gone. Killing the rest should be child's play," Clove snickered as she fiddled with her shoelace.

My response was cut off by booming trumpets, emitted from loudspeakers no doubt built into the surrounding arena. Claudius Templesmith's voice soon replaced the instrumentals.

"Tributes, I require your attention. I am here to cordially invite you all to a feast."

Clove and I glanced at each other, smirks on each of our faces. A feast. The perfect opportunity to wipe out more tributes.

Claudius continues, much to my astonishment. "Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you needs something desperately."

Clove looks at me, puzzled. What is it we so desperately need?

"Each of you will find that something in a backpack, marked with your district number, at the Cornucopia at dawn. Think hard about refusing to show up. For some of you, this will be your last chance," Claudius finishes, the loudspeakers going silent.

"Well, this is unusual," Clove laughed, picking dried apricots from her pack. "We have to go, of course. Wipe Loverboy and Girl on Fire off the map and we're golden."

"We're gonna win this thing, Clove," I grinned. "Bring pride to our district, to our families," I finalized, fantasizing about my future, our future, in the Victor's Village.

We began our trek to the Cornucopia, determination in our hearts and glory on our minds.

We reached the forest around the Cornucopia late at night. Clove and I slept in shifts until the sun began rising, and then we prepared for the feast.

The audience will have quite their dose of entertainment today.

"Clove," I began, "when the feast starts, run and grab our backpack. Kill any tributes you come in contact with, especially those brats from 12. I'll keep watch and kill the others when they come running for their packs."

"Alright," she smiled slyly, biting into a strip of beef jerky. "It should start any minute now."

"If you need help, call for me, okay?" I looked down at her. She'd been a friend of mine back at the Academy, so of course I'd want to protect her. And now that both of us could get out of this hellhole, there was no sense in not giving her backup, if needed.

"I doubt I will," she rolled her eyes. "But I'll call your name if I need to."

There was a faint rumbling in the distance, and our gazes were drawn to the Cornucopia. There, four backpacks were rising from the ground on a table. They were marked with a 2, a 5, an 11, and a 12.

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