QUESTIONAIRE: Sample Responses

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QUESTIONAIRE: Sample Responses

(Each of these responses has been taken from six different sample papers)

Question #1: "How do you define a hookup?"

Respondent 1: "It could be anything from making out to third base or whatever you want to call it, but it's definitely not a date."

Respondent 2: "It's when you meet up with a guy to have sex or do other things but with no strings attached."

Respondent 3: "It's a one-night stand."

Respondent 4: "It's a stress-bang, you know what I mean?"

Respondent 5: "It's when you don't want to date someone, but you still want to get some. Like, you can hang out and stuff but you know you both just want to be physical and that's it."

Respondent 6: "Yeah, like you can be with a guy, but you don't have to date him. It's honestly sexual freedom. Like, yes, dating is nice every once and a while, but honestly it can get so complicated and overwhelming. This way I can focus on myself and school but still have fun and get some when I want to."

Question #2: Do you think all hookups are created equal?

Respondent 1: "As long as ground rules are set and you are open about what you want."

Respondent 2: "No, it depends."

Respondent 3: "Yes."

Respondent 4: "I guess."

Respondent 5: "Physically, I guess so. But everyone's different. You have to make sure you communicate otherwise you can get screwed."

Respondent 6: "As long as there's communication."

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