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Chase pov,

The next morning, when I wake up, it's to noise in the background. And when I open my eyes, no Jo. Not surprising. I already expected her to do that but what she doesn't know is I'm done letting her run. This time, I'm gonna chase and get her.

I do my morning business and go downstairs for breakfast and see that they are all there.

"Good morning everyone."

I get a chorus of good mornings and heys back.

Throughout breakfast, I see Jo looking at me and blushing which makes me believe she actually remembers last night but is doing her best to forget. I just let her be. After we eat, she goes up to get her things, and that's when I go to her.

"What are you up to, peaches??"

She startles, "Chase! I didn't know you were here."

I just raise an eyebrow at her.

"Uh, the girls and I have a sleepover at Lizzie's place so I'm going home to get ready."

"Hmm. Okay. Let me take you home then."

"No! I mean no need. I'm getting a ride with Lizzie."

So in essence, she's avoiding me. I move closer to her until we are standing toe to toe. I just have to do this. I grab her face and kiss her. And now, I can actually savor it. Her lips are so soft, but I keep it short and without tongue.

"You might have forgotten what you did last night. I thought I should remind you." And I smile because I can most definitely tell what her reaction will be.

Aaand, she squeaks and runs. I laugh because yeah, that's Jo. Tomorrow, everything will be settled.

Next day,
I wake up to my alarm but then there's no school today so I just sit up and stretch then I remember and smile. Today is most definitely the day everything gets settled. Either me and Jo gets together or not. But either way, I just want everything to be clear. I have waited long enough.

Seeing Brandon and Leah, I just know there is hope for me and Jo. I mean sure they are not together now, but it shouldn't take long noticing their interaction with each other at the party and at breakfast yesterday.

Anyway, I get up and brush my teeth then change to my running gear, grab my mp3 and start my daily run. I run for about 1 hour and then come back, grab a bottle of water and head upstairs to my room for a shower.

When I'm out, I grab my phone and see a couple of messages but I open Jo's first.

Peaches: hey, are you free?? Can I come over???

I smile and reply because yeah, I always want her with me and my parents have already gone to work.

Me: sure! I'm free now.

While waiting for her response, I reply other messages. Few minutes later, her reply comes in.

Peaches: great! I'll be there in thirty minutes.

I smile and pour myself a glass of orange juice while waiting for her and sit on the couch scrolling through my phone.

Jo's pov,

The day after the party,

I get to Lizzie's house before Leah so we decide to wait for her so everything is said once.

When she gets here, Lizzie speaks,

"Today is definitely going to be interesting. Jo has been avoiding Chase since this morning. So lots of things to talk about."

Leah gives me an uncertain look. I know!ugh!!

Lizzie said to get food first and head to her room and we do as said. We put on a random channel and reduce the volume because we are obviously here to talk and not watch a movie.

Lizzie speaks first,

"Sooo, Jo you first."

The blush that takes over my face is immediate because gosh it was super embarrassing.

"Yeah. Tell us." Leah urges.

"Okay, okay. So, yesterday, Leah, you ran off without spinning your own bottle might I add"

I give Leah a look and she smiles.

"Totally worth it." She says and we all laugh.

"Go on."

"After then, we decide to play another game but Chase and I were not interested, so he signals me to go out with him and I do. And you know how Chase notices everything. He saw I was still slightly drunk so he takes me to the third bedroom and gets me water and locks the door so no horny couples wander in."

We all roll our eyes because that definitely happens in most parties.

"Anyway, I drink the water and I'm thinking, why don't I kiss him now and then tomorrow I blame it on being drunk. I can tell you now, not one of my finest moments. I kiss him just for a few seconds, you know why?"

They shake their heads.

"Get this. I. fall. unconscious." Seconds of silence where they both look at each other and then burst into laughter.

Lizzie is the first to respond.

"The hell is wrong with you Jo? You get the opportunity to kiss the man of your dreams and you fall unconscious???"

"I can't even begin to understand how that happened." Leah adds.

I groan, "I know. I can't believe it either and when I wake up this morning. I pretend like nothing happened and I was planning on doing that forever but noooo. Chase just had to come into the room when I was getting my things to leave and guess what?"


I smile because I think back to it.

"He grabs my face and kisses me. It was so soft and romantic and SHORT."

"Aww." They both echo.

"Yeah. And he said and I quote, 'you might have forgotten what you did last night. I thought I should remind you."

We wait but she says nothing else though Lizzie got impatient.

"And what was your reply?"

I become moody.

"Nothing. I ran."

Lizzy obviously gets annoyed at that.

"You did WHAT?"

"I ran. I don't know what to do."

"You should have stayed and gotten to the end of that kiss is what you should have done."

Leah pats Lizzie's hand.

"Calm down, Lizzie. I'm sure she panicked. Didn't you, Jo?"

I nod. She continues.

"Tomorrow, get to Chase and talk things out. If he kissed you, it means there's a chance he likes you too. Can you promise to do that for me?" She asks me.

"Yeah. I can do that. Okay, enough about me. What happened between you and Brandon??"
And that's how we talk till the time goes by. When we are done, I send Chase a text.

Me: hey, are you free?? Can I come over???

He replies a minute later.

Chase: sure! I'm free now.

I wait for a while before replying.

Me: great! I'll be there in thirty minutes.

And with that, I set off to Chase' house fingers crossed. When, I get there, I knock. It takes a minute before he answers the door.

"Hey, peaches. Come in." He smiles.
That smile reassures me that everything will turn out alright and I step in.

It's now or never.

Aaaand I'm back!! 😁 Who missed me? Sorry for the long wait. Hopefully, you don't hate me yet. 😂 Enjoy! Till the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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