Author's Note

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Dear Romance Enthusiasts,

Good morning. It is the 27th of July, Thursday, and I am attending online class as I write this note on Wattpad. This is my first time writing a story on such a big platform, and I hope you all will support me and shower me with the same love you have given to all the other authors on Wattpad. Since it is my first time doing this, there are obviously going to be mistakes. I request you to correct me when you find one and help me throughout this journey.

As a child, I was always captivated by the magic of storytelling. I found solace and excitement within the pages of books, where characters would come alive, worlds would unfold, and imagination knew no bounds. With time, my passion for literature grew, and I found myself fervently scribbling stories and ideas on any scrap of paper I could find. It was in those moments that I realized my calling as a writer.

Being an ardent believer in the power of love, I decided to write a romance novel where two souls come together to form a beautiful bond in life, the companionship, and the blooming romance.

I hope that plagiarism is not supported by my followers, and if someone plagiarizes my work, I hope you all could inform me about it. I will try to take strict actions against those people who do so.

You guys are also welcome to share your thoughts on how you want the story to progress.

Please vote and comment your thoughts on each chapter too.

Thank you, dearies...

The author of the book The Tied Fates.

The author of the book The Tied Fates

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