McGregor Perks

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Only two months from the fight. Now is the time for traveling and more and more press conferences and interviews. I zip my bag rolling it to the door I go into my bathroom grabbing my makeup bag and look in the mirror seeing the shower behind me. I sigh closing my eyes. Have I even thought about that since? Yes. But have I acted upon it? No.

I can't be masturbating to the thought of someone I see everyday.

"Woohoo! Lassie!" Conor's voice echoes through the apartment. "Bathroom." I yell gathering myself quickly. I hear Conor chuckle remarking a comment, "ohh bathroom."

He comes in and leans on the doorframe. His short sleeve shirt cuffing his biceps perfectly. His sweats sitting perfectly on the bones of his hips I just want to tear them down and...

"(Y/n). You alright?" I shake my head, "yeah, sorry, long night." Conor narrows his eyes as I pass him in the bathroom, he grabs my wrist causing me to jump, "Is it Tom?" I look down at Conor's fingers wrapped around my wrist. I bite my lip controlling my imagination. "What? No. It's been a couple weeks since I've seen him." Conor nods, humming, "that must be what's up your ass."

"Excuse you?"

Conor raises his brows looking confused. "What?" "You just said-" "oh, said what, lass? We're late! Let's go!" Conor pushes me out of the room gathering my bags at the door.

The flight was calm and stress free until I felt a poke against my nose. "Psst." I sigh leaning further back into my seat. "(Y/n)." I turn my head away from him.

He peels my face mask off letting the light rip through my pupils. "What is it?" I whine quietly. Conor stares at me and smiles, "You're so stressed." He places a hand on my knee, squeezing lightly. Shivers run through my blood hammering right into my heart. "Just a lot going on." Conor nods, patting my knee again, "well come to me if you need to talk. You know I'll listen." I nod, wanting to lean into him, rest my head on his shoulder. He removed his hand leaving the skin to get abused by the brush cold air.

We enter the extravagant hotel lobby; Dana leading the way. I wheel my bag behind me looking around at the amazing furnishings.

"Alright, fighters. You're set. I have your keys, come collect. Then hit the gym." Conor smiles down at me before leaving my side to get his key. As I stand in line with the rest of the staff I watch Conor walk to the desk attendant. He points to me and speaks with her politely. She smiles and nods at his words. He tots off sending a final wave to me.

Megan peeks over her shoulder and smiles at me, "You've been getting him lots of good press lately. What's the secret?" I roll my eyes, "whisky and weed." Dana turns to me, "what was that, (y/n)?" "Coffee and more coffee." Dana chuckles, turning around again.

I put my fingers to my lips mimicking lighting a joint. Megan laughs as she steps up to the desk. "Oh, Ms. (l/n), Mr. McGregor set you up in the connecting room to his. 10th floor." The attendant slides me a key.

I grasp it confused, all the staff usually stays on the lower levels. Never close to the fighters, they need as much head space as they can have. I turn to Dana for an explanation, but he just shrugs, "his request." I nod silently and go to the elevator.

I step off on the 10th floor and am immediately tackled. "Fuck!" I scream loudly. Conor laughs as he carries me around. He puts me down in front of my room, "I set you up good, lass." He opens the door ushering me in.

The room is 10 times as beautiful as the lobby! "Look at this couch! It's huge!" I laugh flopping down. "What about this?" Conor kicks the bedroom door open and waves me in.

The bed is the size of two kings combined. "I heard it's got heated sheets." Conor nods, walking further in. Why does the universe put me in these situations? After I'm struggling so hard I am forced into a bedroom with the man I've been craving so.

"You should invite Tom to the fight." Conor walks around my room examining it closely. I laugh throwing myself to the bed, "yeah right!" Conor chuckles, "oh come on, he'd love it." I shake my head, "no. He's busy anyways." Conor waves his hands rolling his eyes, "always seems too busy for you don't he?"

I sit up on my hands, "aren't you supposed to be at the gym?" Conor smirks at me from the window. "I wanted to make sure you got up here." "Well here I am. You can leave."

Conor walks to the door right next to my bed, he opens it and steps to the other side into his own room. "Sure I'll go, think about me would ya?" I roll my eyes, "I don't think about you, Conor." He laughs, shutting the door finally separating us between a wall.

I take the rest of the time in my room to work on refreshing the articles and claims about something's that have been said recently, making notes to call people and what not. I sigh, setting the laptop to the side. I open my bedside table and take out my toker box. I push some weed into the pipe before stepping over to the balcony. I step out overlooking the city lights.

I take a toke inhaling sharply. I exhale feeling the nerves decrease ever so slightly. "You're making me jealous, lass." I turn around to see Conor in shorts and nothing else. I face the night sky closing my eyes.

Why universe? Why must you test me like this?

"Please, like Dana would let people know you failed a drug screening." I offer him the toker stem but he refuses.

I turn it back to myself taking another hit. "It's late. Shouldn't you be getting rest for tomorrow?" Conor leans on the railing, his figure growing closer each minute. He waves his hand away at the wind, "Ah, I can handle him and his little excuses. Are you going?" I look at him in unbelievable, "Am I going? Of course I am!" Conor smiles, "Great, you'll be sitting on the panel with me."

"I never sit in view. I'm always at the side taking notes." Conor shakes his head, "Take notes from the panel then." He taps on the railing as he takes a deep breath.

Don't do it, (y/n)...

I pull up the chair from the corner and sit next to the railing posting my feet up. "So, how's Dee? I haven't seen her in a while." Conor looks off into the sky, "She's good." "Is she coming to the fight?" He shakes his head, "nah."

Something isn't sitting right here.

I cross my arms looking him up and down, "are you two good?" He shrugs, "time apart, ya know." Bingo. "Accusations don't help. There's always another picture of me with a lady somewhere. Drives her nuts." Then he spills, "you know what, she even asked me if you had ever come onto me!" He waves his hand, "like she doesn't even know you! She's seen how professional you are." Conor shakes his head.

I silently thank the darkness of the night for hiding my bushing cheeks. If he fucking knew, "Maybe you should call her."

Conor scoffs, "I called her for 6 days straight. Haven't called her in 4 and she hasn't reached for me either." I reach out placing my hand on his arm, my god his muscles. STOP!

"I'm sorry, Conor." He shakes his head, he places his hand on top of my own. "Ah, I'll be just fine."

Notorious ~ Conor McGregorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें