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Trigger warning ⚠️
Abuse and sexual assult marked with •••


Meher's POV,
Was Azlaan still busy? I was already done with all the work soo maybe I could ask him to tutor me now, I thought so as I walked to his room and his door was ajar. It sounded like he was speaking to someone and he took Kashish's name.
Maybe she wanted to ask a question. She's a bright student after all, I said to convince myself, so I was about to knock. But, I was soo wrong and my whole body froze as I mistakenly eavesdropped on his conversation.

"Listen, babe, we made out a few times and it was fun but I cannot have sex with you yet....why?, I'm not afraid of getting you pregnant! I get that....ah, so you wanna try seducing me with nudes huh.... quite the little vixen aren't ya....yes, your body is amazing.... I can't wait to hold you again...."

My throat choked up and I couldn't breathe. Why was he talking in such a dirty way with Kashish? Didn't he say he loved me?

Everything was making sense now. His disappearances, coming home late, always staying in his room, that red mark on his neck, the taste of lipstick on his lips.... it was all....

He was having an affair behind my back with Kashish Oberoi?!

All my fantasies and delusions were turning to dust right in front of my eyes. I loved him unconditionally, fulfilled his every wish and demand, but he just....

I couldn't take it anymore and slammed the door open as my body trembled with this unbearable frustration and rage, while my heart ached inside my chest.

I atleast expected to see a little shock on his face seeing me hearing his haram conversation but he was unfazed like it was nothing!

"I'll call you later, babe." He said soo casually and that to right in front of me. My jaw clenched as there was no way I wasn't crying in front of him anymore. I rapidly blinked back my tears and stood in front of him at the door swallowing the lump in my throat. I took a deep breath to voice out all the words and questions that were rampant inside my head. I was scared...yes! But I wasn't ready to be played by him anymore.

I'm not his toy anymore!

"What?" He asked with a bored expression.

"You're having an affair with Kashish?" I directly dropped the bomb at him but he just smirked.

"Affair? Nah, it's more like a fling. We're just playing around." He shrugged putting his hands in his pockets.

"Huh? It' easy for you to say that hm? Just easy it was for you to say that you loved me....and that you were sorry?!" My voice was breaking as his words were like a slap on my face.

He chuckled
"I told you didn't I Meher, you're my little toy. I'll play with you will I'm bored so this was another game. It was cute thought, I'll give you that much. Having a little maid carrying all the chores of my house. Our house never looked this clean BTW. Kudos to you!" He was clapping, mocking me.

I could feel bile rising in my throat and tears pricking my eyes but before I could gather the strength to speak, his phone tinged and he picked it up smirking at the screen.

"Ah! Now this is what I'm talking about! You know, any guy would pick a girl like Kashish over you anytime. I mean, just look at her..."

He stepped towards he shoving the phone screen on my face and I immediately looked away.
"Cheee!" I yelped closing my eyes. She had sent a picture of hers in such thin clothes that even as a girl I felt soo ashamed yet, I wondered, being a man, how could He not find it shameful? Infact, he was looking at it with such dark... lustful gaze it made me want to gag.

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