My party v your party

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  Jungkook decided he would hold a house warming party , of course it would be his elite friends who appreciated art and didn't mind paying for it and of course Namjoon and Tae his only real friends.
His parties were never rowdy but he knew that the road and entrance would be busy with cars so he decided to let his neighbour know, of course it was nothing to do with the fact he hadn't seen him for two days.
Jimin had a day off so had taken his time getting up only just showering,so when the doorbell rang he glanced down at himself wearing low slung sweatpants, bare feet and a towel slung around his neck only partially covering his chest he decided that would have to do, tousling his wet hair as he went to the door he opened it to see his neighbour.
Jungkook stared at the boy from his wet hair down his naked chest to his bare chubby toes,why was this boy such a turn on he thought.
"Ahem, just to let you know that I am hosting a party tomorrow night."
"No thanks."
"No thanks what?"
"If you are inviting me then no thanks."
"Why would I invite you?"
"I dunno your the one that came here!"
"God damn it, I only came to tell you there might be a lot of cars coming and going so I apologise......wait, why wouldn't you come to my party?"
"Two reasons,one I'm hosting a little get together with my friends the same night and two I expect your guests will be full of themselves like you and no fun," Jimin smiled evilly saying this.
"Pfft, And I suppose your friends will be loud like you!!"
"Probably ," the small boy said waving bye and shutting the door.
Jungkook stomped back to his home angry at the insinuation that he and his friends were boring.

Two days later:
"Jeez Namjoon, why did we say we would come, these parties are so stiff, no fun,"
"We are here for Jungkook, pipe down Tae," the lawyer said to the fidgety handsome male next to him.
The two males had sneaked to the side of the house away from the party grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge to gulp down as not keen on the wine only being served.
Suddenly from next door they heard music and laughter," go Jimin go Jimin, whoop whoop!!"
"Sounds like they're having fun," Tae said sullenly, then with a glint in his eye he grabbed Namjoons hand and went to where he saw a gap in the hedges and pulled them both through, startling the group of boys dancing to some music.
"Er high, sorry to interrupt , sounds like your having fun here," Tae said grinning.
"I'm sorry about my friend, we will leave," Namjoon apologised.
"Stay "a tall good looking man said facing Namjoon who  grinned at him liking what he saw," I'm Jin," the male spoke again," and here we have Jimin the owner, Suga and Hobi," the three boys nodded.
"Hi I'm Namjoon and this is Tae."
"Namjoon?" Jimin hummed,"oh aren't you his lawyer, I got a letter from you?"
"Hmmmm, please don't hold that against me, Kook can be Er,demanding."
"I'd say he can be a bit of an arsehole, but demanding will do," said Jimin.
"Oh I like you,arsehole hahaha!!" Tae doubled up laughing.
The two boys joined the others on Jimins patio, bottles of beer and soju on ice music playing and a totally cool vibe to the night.
"So to what do I owe this pleasure?" Jimin asked the two males.
They looked at each other then Tae burst out,@ well we have to go to Kookie party but honestly they're a bunch of stuffed shirts I was dying of boredom!" He ranted.
Jimin sniggered," well what can I say, welcome to my party ," he turned the music up and started dancing, soon they were all bar Suga joining in, he took on the role of unofficial DJ.

Jungkook stifled a yawn as a couple he had been talking too went on a rampage about how their chauffeur had the audacity to park further down the drive expecting them to get out there when he should have waited for cars to pass so they could get out at the front door!
Jungkook nodded as if agreeing looking around to see where his friends had gone but not seeing them anywhere. The party was running smoothly so why did he feel disatissfied? A voice popped into his head,"no fun," isn't that what his irritating neighbour  had implied. He slipped away up to his room quietly going to his balcony and looking over to his neighbours , sounds of laughter and music came, he could see a group of people....,hang on wasn't that Namjoon and Tae!!!!!
He made his way to the side of his house downstairs he had seen a gap in the hedge which he had told himself he must get fixed but right now he just stormed through.
"Hey, you two!" He yelled at his friends.
They froze on the spot looking guilty.
"Oh,Er hi Kook," Namjoon muttered.
"What do you think your doing?"
"Having fun," Tae said ingeniously ,Jimin snorted with laughter gaining a disapproving glare from his neighbour.
"Come back with me right now," he stood back motioning the two away," come anytime your welcome," Jimin said,making the angry man clench his hands into fists before leaving hearing the music turn back on as he got to his side of the garden.
"What were you two thinking ,"he angrily asked.
"Lighten up Kookie, your parties are..., well full of stuffed shirts , no fun, ,"Tae said," I'm sorry but it's the truth."
Jungkook looked at Namjoon who nodded.Jungkooks shoulders slumped, when had he become this boring person? He used to have fun, now....?
"You can't help it Kookie, these people buy your art,so your used to them but they're not exactly fun to be around, it can be quite suffocating at times,you used to be like us, like Jimin and his friends but you've become uptight and stuffy,sorry we are your friends and will always be here for you but, cheer up a bit more , your a creative person you should be enjoying what you're doing, live a little." Namjoon said quietly.
Jungkook thought on what they said, he did go around like there was a weight on his shoulders, always worrying about the next canvas, would it be good enough, he didn't seem to find much inspiration anywhere lately, well except one place his annoying neighbour who danced like an Angel!
"Ok boys, let's start a new chapter in my life, beginning with no more stuffy parties," he cheered, his friends slapping him on the back agreeing!

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