Chapter Twenty-Four

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Later that evening Christina's phone started ringing. Grabbing it off the table next to the couch she saw it was her uncle calling her, wondering what he was calling about so late, she went ahead and answered it. "Hey Uncle Charlie, what's going on?" "Hey Chris, you haven't seen or heard from Bella have you?" "No, we came straight home and nobody's been here, why is everything is okay?" She heard him sigh "I guess she took off for Italy or something? I don't really know there was just a note saying not to worry and that she'd be back. I guess it has something to do with Edward." Christina and to stop and take a second to just breathe "You're kidding me." Charlie chuckled "I wish I was kiddo. Well now that I guess all I can do is just wait for her to get home." Christina shook her head, trying to figure out why Bella would do this "Do you want me to come over?" "No, I'll be fine, it's been a long day so I'm just gonna head off to bed and hope that maybe this day was just one long nightmare." Christina nodded her head "Okay, well goodnight Uncle Charlie, love you." "Love you too kiddo."

Christina put her phone down and rubbed her eyes. She was thinking of going to bed when she heard the door open quietly, looking up she saw Sam walking in looking more tired than ever. "Hey what are you still doing up?" He plopped down on the couch next to her and pulled her to his side. "Hey," she reached over and kissed him gently "I was waiting for you, I also just got done talking to Uncle Charlie." Sam furrowed his eyebrows "why was he calling so late." She sighed before settling into Sam's arms comfortably "I guess Bella took off earlier to Italy, something to do with Edward." Sam sighed loudly and rubbed his hands over his face "when is she going to stop causing problems?" Christina laughed "that's a good question." Looking up at him she continued "so, Nick told me why you ran off. Is everything going to be okay?" He chuckled "honestly I don't know, Leahs mad at the world and Seth is just really confused about everything. For now though I don't really want to think or talk about it. I just want to get some rest before all hell breaks loose." Christina stands up and holds her hand out to him to take. He takes her hand and allows her to help pull him up off the couch.

Sam went and locked the door while Christina started back towards their bedroom. While Sam changed into his pajamas Christina went to brush her teeth in the bathroom. Going back into the room she looked at Sam already passed out in bed, climbing under the covers she rolled over to face him. He opened an eye and raised an eyebrow at her. "You okay?" She nodded "I'm just wondering when all of this is going to slow down and allow us to relax." Sam rolled onto his back and pulled her into his arms "it won't always be like this. You'll see." He leaned down and kissed her as she smiled "Goodnight Sam." "Night babe."

The next morning Christina opened her eyes and rolled on her back, looking over at Sam's spot in bed she realized he was already up and on the move for the day. Christina got up and threw on a pair of black leggings and one of Sams sweatshirts. Going out to the kitchen she wasn't surprised to find Emily in there cooking away. She was surprised however to see two new people sitting at the table. Sam was leaning against a counter with a cup of coffee in his hands, while Nick hovered closer to Emily at the stove.

"Good morning everyone" Christina said "how is it going?" Sam looked over at her and smiled when he saw her in his shirt "Morning, do you want coffee?" She shook her head "I actually just want some tea this morning." She walked further into the kitchen and noticed Sam following her closely. Reaching into the cupboard for the tea she looked over her shoulder "is there a reason I have a helicopter behind me?" Sam put his hands on her shoulders as Nick answered her "he's just a little more protective this morning." Christina turned around and looked Sam in the eyes. Seeing a little worry there she nodded "okay then." Walking over to the stove she grabbed the tea kettle to add water "I'll get that filled babe." She raised her eyebrows at him as she handed the kettle over to him. A loud sigh sounded from the girl that sat at the table, drawing everyone's attention to her. "Oh Seth, Leah, this is Christina, Christina that's Leah and Seth" Nick introduced everyone. "Hey guys, welcome in" Leah huffed "yeah like you even belong here." "Leah" Sam snapped and glared at the girl " knock it off." Christina smiled at them "look I'm sorry that I'm not exactly like you guys but I'm here and I'm gonna be here." Emily looked over at Christina with a smile on her face "yeah everything's going to be just fine."

Her Devotion [Sam Uley]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora