Chapter 7

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---Ollie's POV---

I could hear beeping noise in my ear that was getting kinda annoying. I was laying on my back and one of my arms was wrapped up, along with my torso. I didn't have a shirt on and was only wearing a pair of sweatpants.

I look over at see Pony sleeping on a chair, holding my hand. Gently, I squeezed his hand and waited for him to wake up.  He slowly opened his eyes and looked around before his eyes landed on me.

"Ollie!" He said, sat up and pulled me into a gentle hug. Pulling away, he kisses me on the lips. I kiss back and run one of my hands through his hair. Pony pulls away, leaning his forehead on mine. "I was so worried" He said.

"I'm okay" I say, my voice still a bit sore.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you" 

"Pony, I'm okay" I whisper "It's okay"

Soon the nurses came in and made Pony leave so they could do a check up me. 

"Hello Mr. Gray! I see you've woken up! How are you feeling?" She asks and changes my bandages. 

"Good, thank you for taking care of my injuries" I say. "Could I get a cup of water please?" 

She smiles at me and nods. "I'll let these air out for a minute. Hold on tight, I'll be right back"

A few minutes later she's back with a cup of ice water. Gently handing it to me, she walks up to a cabinet and pulls out new bandages. 

"Thank you so much" I say. 

"Of course!" She smiles. "Such a polite boy, wish all of our patients were as nice as you" 

After re-wrapping my bandages, she throws away the old ones and washes her hands. "You have some visitors. Would you like to see them?" She asks.

I nod and wait as she leaves to the room. Soon the door opens and my parents, along with Pony and the gang (Minus Dally) walk in. 

"Oh my poor baby!" My mom rushes towards me and wraps her arms around me, being careful of my injuries. I pat her on the back awkwardly and chuckle. 

"I'm fine mom" 

My dad also comes over and high-fives me. "Those are gonna be some sick scars kiddo" he says.

My mom gasps and playfully hits his shoulder. "Our son is injured and that's what you say?" she asks.

"Oh sorry! Are you okay son?" He asks and my mom turns away. Over her shoulder I can see him wink and give a thumbs up. I chuckle and wait for my mom to pull away. Once she finally does, my dad takes her away so I can talk to my friends.

Pony holds my hand and gives me a kiss on the lips, then sits down. Two - bit comes over to me and hugs me gently. "You doin' okay, ain't ya?" He asks and ruffles my hair. "I miss seeing your cute face everyday" He says.

I laugh and gently smack him on the back of the head. Johnny comes over to me and hugs me before moving to the side. Soon Soda comes over and kisses my cheek and gives me a hug. "Missed ya, squirt" He says.

Darry walks over to me, gives me a hug and then sits down. Last, Steve comes over to me and kisses my other cheek and holds my hand, sitting down.

---Time Skip--- 

The boys were leaving to go somewhere. Apparently I wasn't allowed going or knowing where or what is was. I was sitting in my hospital room, bored out of my mind before the nurse comes in with a smile.

"Well, good news Mr. Gray. You can head home in a few minutes once your parents sign you out!" She says and starts unhooking all the wires in my arm. After a few minutes, my parents come in and help me get out of bed.

"Thank you so much for all your help" My mom says to the nurse. 

"No problem! I hope to see you again, just not in the same circumstances" The nurse says. "Is there anything else you need before I go?"

"Uh... Could you tell me what room Dallas Winston is in?" I ask.

---Time skip--- 

After visiting Dally, I head to my mom's car and hop in. "Mom, could you drop me off at Pony's house please?" I ask.

"Who's Pony?" My dad asks and my face flushes red.

"Oh! You didn't know? It's Ollie's boyfriend. The one with the brown hair, had greenish - grayish eyes..." My mom says and takes the road down to Pony's house. After stopping in front of his house, I say goodbye to my mom and dad. They drive off and I wait outside knowing nobody was home. After a few minutes the boys come yelling and cheering down the street.

I stand up and wait for them to arrive. Pony notices me and rushes forward with cuts and a bloody nose. I let out a gasp. 

"Are you okay?" I ask and gently kiss his nose. I look at the rest of them and see them all muddy and with bruises on their faces. 

"Alright, get in the house. I'll take care of you guys" I say and point to the house.

They all sit on the floor in a line and wait for me to start fixing up their cuts.

After grabbing the first - aid, I start on Darry. There was nothing bad, just a small cut. I gently rubbed around the cut and then put a band - aid on it. "Thanks" He said and turned in for the night.

I moved on to Johnny. He had a cut on his forehead and a bloody nose. I repeated what I did with Darry and gently rubbed around the cut while giving him a tissue. After cleaning up his nose and cut he sits in front of the tv to watch some shows.

Next, I move to Dally. He had a bruise on his cheek but other than that, he looked okay. There was nothing I could do with a bruise so I gave him a bag of ice and moved on to Steve.

Just like when Two - bit pushed his to the ground, he had a cut on his cheek and a bloody nose, also. I gave him a tissue and rubbed around the cut as I cleaned. 

I sprayed some cut cleaning spray and he quickly turned his head away. "Ow.. That stings" He said, squeezing my hand. "Sorry" I muttered and rubbed around the cut gently. I look around and noticed Two - bit was missing.

"Where's Two?" I ask. Steve points to the kitchen and I see Two - bit stuffing his face with cake. After hearing his name, he looks over with cake all over is mouth. He slowly puts the cake back in the fridge and walks over. I hand him a bag of ice for his bruise and head over to Soda.

He had a big gash on his lips and mud all over his face. I gave him a wipe to get all the mud off and got ready to spray his cut. 

"Sorry, this might hurt" I say and start spraying his cut so it doesn't get infected. He squeezes my hand tightly and winces in pain. "I know, sorry" 

After finishing him up, I went to Pony. I smiled sadly at him with a bloody nose and few cuts across his face. "Hey... are you okay?" I ask and gently kiss his forehead. He nodded and waited for me to clean his cuts. After cleaning his cuts and kissing each one, he smiled at me and pulled me into his lap.

I sat there, straddling his lap, blushing like crazy. He leaned in and kissed my lips. I wrap my arms around him and run my fingers through his hair. He puts his hands on my waist. He licks my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I open my mouth, still kissing him as he explores my mouth. (✨Uncomfy✨)

After a while, we pull away with a string of saliva between our lips. I rest my head on his shoulders and he rubs my back.

"What a show! I'm so impressed" Dally says. "Not"

"Ollie, we have something we want to tell you" Soda says. I look over at him in confusion. 

"What?" I ask and lean back in Pony's lap. 

"I get that you're dating my kid brother but it hurts me- us, to see you kissing him, cuddling and giving him hugs. We just wanted to say-" Soda gets cut off.

"You're taking too long Soda" Steve interrupts "I'll tell him"

"Ollie, we all like you"



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