Fifteen || A Final Farewell

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-The clock chimes once-

The night rumbled with the growling voice of thunder, its fingers of electricity combing through the clouds, enticing tears from within them that beat down on the stone of the castle below. Each tear fell silently upon a form, a figure slowly dragging themselves along a broken stone bridge. She stumbled and fell, slipping on the clouds tears as her strength slowly began to fade from her, her whole being seeming to flicker in and out of existence. The wind tugged at her clothes, whispering messages in her ear, telling her that the moon was calling her home and that it was time to go. But she knew her task was not yet complete, she was not ready to leave this plane of existence behind just yet, not without seeing the man she loved for the last time. Shade pulled collapsed once again, letting out a small sob of pain, droplets falling upon her face, mixing with the tears that were beginning to run down her cheeks. She stared at her hand, her vision starting to go hazy. 


Panting heavily, Carl struggled up the steps of the castle, hearing the noises of Van Helsings' battle with Dracula. He tripped on a step and fell forwards, catching himself while ensuring he didn't drop the syringe that held the cure. His eyes and head were downcast, fear gripping at his heart. He didn't know whether he was ready to face the man he had come to see as his greatest friend, especially if the cure didn't work. But Carl steeled himself and continued forward, climbing the rest of the stair until he came to another bridge, one that led to the laboratory. He stepped out onto the bridge, only to jump backwards as it crumbled and broke apart, leaving him stranded save for a small ledge that he would be able to cross with patience and carefulness. Looking around, he saw the broken window of the tower he had come from, using his voice in hopes his friends could hear him.


Anna, thrown towards the open window heard a call for help over the rumble of the storm and looked down, seeing Carl stranded on the bridge. She looked at Aleera who lunged at her, only to be grabbed by Frankensteins' monster and thrown to the other side of the room, giving Anna a chance to escape. She stared at him for a moment, remember the first time they had met and how deeply wrong she had been about him. 

"Thank you." Anna spoke up, watching his face light up with the recognition that he was seen as more than what he was.

While he fought Aleera, Anna used the wire he had used to swing herself down to the other side of the bridge, calling to Carl to throw the cure to her so she could get it to Van Helsing. Carl, focused, counting to three before tossing the syringe, his heart stopping as he watched it sail through the air, a part of him fearing Anna would miss. Yet as she swung through the air, she reached her hand out as far as possible, wrapping her fingers around the syringe and calming the Friars heart. 


Frankenstein lost his grip on Aleera, the vampire mistress flying out of the window after Anna, the princess had made up onto a ledge along the castle wall. The vampire shrieked with glee as she landed next to Anna, making the princess move backwards on the precarious perch as Aleeracloses in. 


"Your blood shall make me even morebeautiful. What do you think ofthat?" Aleera cackles as she moves in for the kill, baring her fangs. 


Suddenly, a silver stake impales her through the chest, causing Aleera to shriek in agony while looking at the silver object producing from her chest. Anna looks over at the bridge, to where Carl hascrawled down between the girders, then looks back atAleera, who is staring at her in horror as her body starts to slowly crumble and rot.

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